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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. We’re getting Texags-ed boys. Even surly isn’t safe from what’s coming I guess.
  2. Yea no, all of those dudes in the bottom picture would happily hit a fascist fuck from 150 yards with their eyes closed. Zero similarity.
  3. I thought you “haven’t visited the board in years” ??
  4. Is saying I’d be cool with both of them dying against the board rules?
  5. Bolsonaro pulled the same shit with a “stabbing” and they have the same people involved on their campaigns. Y’all do the math. But yea, he won.
  6. Did this thread get Texags policed? The fuck was that about?
  7. “If we can’t out NIL the MLB there is something seriously toxic with our NIL set up” - Surlys finest
  8. Tennessee just won it all with turf, who gives a fuck
  9. https://charlotte49ers.com/sports/football/roster/coaches/tim-brewster/2169 More like #CharLit amirite
  10. Love the water addition as that’s historically accurate and I’ve always found it fascinating
  11. Is Vhagar small enough to be parked within the city? Aemond may be paying for dry docking elsewhere
  12. Hear the bigs want you to be able to throw it to 1st. Probs just come back and learn how to do that again.
  13. “Finnallllyyyy dad you’re taking me out of the pit to play. Just a nice little ocean cruise…right?”
  14. Add Rex liking him to the list of reasons to dislike Cole @bschoolprof
  15. After last episode where Alicent was like “oops I fucked up with that story but we’re gonna have the war anyway lol” I’m pretty solidly team Rhaenyra. She attempted a peaceful resolution. But yes both sides have bad people.
  16. Who the fuck thinks Daemon is a good guy?
  17. “A child died because I was getting my dick wet but YOUR CLOAK IS DIRTY”
  18. Being a petty bitch because Rhaenyra thought he was too poor to run away with and sell oranges 16 years ago is part of it. They had sex once and he gets mad because she doesn’t betray her father and abandon her birthright. Incel shit.
  19. Literally all of the bad guys lost in GOT
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