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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank_Hill

  1. Browns QB coach wasn’t available?
  2. He’s such a pussy
  3. Kinda following the cdc pattern of media throwing around a name that ends up being dead wrong
  4. Sounds like you’re the dumb one for not getting that sweet 9.95
  5. Great. Big difference here is we’re hiring.
  6. We should revisit the intricacies of why the RT hire was different than a typical coaching search for a millionth time!
  7. Not sure you want the sheer amount of Miller manifestation energy the surl would put into the universe with this deal.
  8. Semantics here, but I don’t think a 7 seed is “barely making the NCAA”
  9. Gtfoh with that shit. Fuck Beard.
  10. Hey don’t talk about our next coach like that!
  11. Because it was really good this year?
  12. He’s a really good WR. That doesn’t make him a must get for this Texas team.
  13. Has it been going on for years? Would explain a lot.
  14. I mean, molotoving car dealerships should be charged as such even if it’s terrorism I support.
  15. Just getting it all out of our system before we host #1
  16. You’re watching the ags?
  17. Traitor!
  18. Yea weird how supposedly “lesser” nations can figure that kind of stuff out
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