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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by txfight

  1. No shit, and it don't matter who's in Austin.
  2. I thought "Land of Melk and Nothing", but that's been pretty much covered.
  3. What do you mean "you people"?
  4. It is. Phone and chat are both an hour+ wait.
  5. It was still there as of a couple of months ago. They added onto the existing tiny building, and now it's pretty big and looks kind of nice from the street -- which takes away a lot of the "hole-in-the-wall" feeling from when you used to enter through the bar and sit on cases of beer while waiting for a table. Good and margaritas seemed about the same as always.
  6. My friend is a former police officer. That's where they worked together.
  7. He's also a great guy. One of my closest friends used to work with him before Jake switched careers and came to UT. My friend says he would (and has) have no hesitation trusting Jake with his life.
  8. A Payroll to Meet. I've read it before, but my son is 12 and decided to grab it off the shelf a couple of weeks ago, so I am rereading it now. As someone who grew up when SMU was winning (and cheating and got the Death Penalty), it is still very interesting to me.
  9. Kids have been running through Christmas movies today, and I recognized Norm's voice. He's one of the voice actors in Klaus. His character is just like everything he aver played. Thoroughly enjoyed.
  10. Fandango, and it's still great.
  11. He was dead-on in his insight last time, so I'm sure his sources are rock solid now.
  12. And the "My vacation was better" thread, too.
  13. I lost it at "Aggy Sauce".
  14. This might be my favorite part of the last week -- the rest of the world recognizing ags for their bullshit.
  15. Pic (of the football field) was in the first post.
  16. This (opposing fans paying for opinions of rival players) is something I hadn't considered with NLI, and it could be very fun.
  17. Fuck yeah!
  18. I thought it was subtle, too, but she told me last night that it's very clear in person. Probably worth nothing to us olds since it's the opinion of a HS sophomore, but she said she (& those with her) thought it looked good.
  19. My daughter is at soccer camp today at Texas. They took the kids on a campus tour, including them eating lunch inside DKR. She sent this picture. It's faint, but you can see Texas at midfield.
  20. This man speaks the truth.
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