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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. Yes, in part. That was his "Deism" footprint he left behind as a lesson to the nation he helped build. Flawed as he was, he knew how things could go sideways in a hurry with this experiment still in its infancy.
  2. It's pretty clear with the benefit of historical hindsight that Jefferson was a mutt of Deist/Agnostic/Atheist. Other than some church appearances in a public capacity, really no record of him exist as a Christian of any ilk. That's about as close as we have had in this country. Trump is not a Christian but he tries to play one on TV. Since compulsory chapel at Penn, guy spends 50 years in New York, home to 4000 Christian houses of worship. No record of him belonging to any of them at any point between college and running for President. Other than weddings and funerals, nobody ever once saw him in a house of worship at any time over a half-century.
  3. Uh, no. H.W. Bush never attended law school and he was on the ticket in 1984, 1988, and 1992. W. Bush never attended law school. Dick Cheney never attended law school. John Kerry never attended law school. Mitt Romney never attended law school. Paul Ryan did not attend law school. John McCain did not attend law school. I'll give you a pass on falling for "saw somewhere" because most of the above seem like they were lawyers at some point. But I can't give you a pass on two glaring fucking examples of major party nominees who not only couldn't get into law school, probably couldn't complete a GED right now----Donald Trump and Sarah Palin
  4. Well then listen here, my Kraut-Mic friend...that's a solid strategy and (checks calendar) is pretty damn close to the DST changes most of Oktoberfest falls in early November. Prong and others have be putting on a schtick. I get there are vast corners of America where there are literally no bi-racial people except on TV. But if he's in Texas, he sees us bi-racial folks every single day of his life in all walks of his life. There's no way he doesn't understand that you can be raised one thing and still identify with the other side. Now, do I pretend my specific Hispanic family is insane and don't always enjoy associating with them? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean I deny my Hispanic half despite my German-sounding name and height and speech patterns. Is being around my German side like being around George Plimpton and William F. Buckley, Jr. dead sober to the point where I'd rather not be one of them? Many times. Prong-serious question...do you live in Texas? Do you suspect there are bi-racial people in your community or your workplace? I'll leave it there.
  5. Yeah, meant county. can we merge the kamala And walz threads into one now? A threac about all their campaigning, appearances, interviews, policy proposals,etc? And have the general presidential election thread be about them head to head with Trump/Vance and the third party candidates. Then just one thread about all Trump’s other bullshit-legal, beloved cunt/cult leader, etc. this is all getting way to cluttered the closer we get to convention/elextion.
  6. I’m embarrassed I don’t know this, but can you vote in person in another country not Your own? Like in the Metroplex, say you work in North Dallas county…can you hop into Collin or whatever is nearby and vote when you see more polling places with shorter lines?
  7. “I liked Walz and your favorite band seven years before you knew who either of them even were.” -Surly
  8. Sidney Powell has that "I'll be in the shadows watching over my young flock to make sure they make right kind of choices" kind of maternal vibe. If your mother is Andrea Yates.
  9. Damn. That was Olympic discuss level shit. Never thought about it but an adult male 29”wheel/rim with fully inflated tube and tire probably weighs close to ten pounds. You hurl it correctly and on consistent axis, at somebody’s head…I guess that can do some real fucking damage. Note to self-if ever near a street brawl and guy goes to his bike. Don’t assume he’s trying to slink off frOm trouble and turn your back. He may be about to knock somebody into a coma without throwing one punch.
  10. Yeah, I’ve been here a long time and I only know where maybe a half dozen zip codes are. Mostly because I don’t mail a lot of letters nor steal people’s CC#. Our zip code is sprawling as far as surface size so it can be very misleading. We live just a few blocks over from a little municipality that has a reporting station shared with LCRA just a stone’s thrown from Town Lake. I usually use that and average It with the kids weather kit (not terribly accurate but good Enough nuff) in the backyard to figure our precip,pressure, wind, dew point, etc Mabry is way too far north for us. abia may as well be bastrop for accuracy. Even the ‘central ‘ weather station for our zip code is several miles away and up on a very tall hill way above our heads. /csb And then we pay attention to the highland lakes water table or burn ban/creek-river levels If we’re going fishing or camping. Rest is just a noise making industry doesn’t know what the hell it’s doing.
  11. That’s the Hannibal Lecter thing. We went there through this like 1-2 weeks ago. It makes eerie sense when you see through clips in chronological order.
  12. It’s electric. Boogie, woogie woogie woogie
  13. The week when “racist care bear” meme really starts to go mainstream viral, not just political boards…RFKJR admits to once staging a biker on bear cyclicide to Roseanne Barr who looks like a polar bear in that outfit. and oh yeah; the Utah outfitter and field guide for Don Jr who is in legal trouble for unlawfully killing the bear to present to Don Jr as a staged kill for stuffing? Yeah, that dude is back in court this week There’s a merch opportunity in here somewhere folks
  14. What'dya wanna bet I can vault over them mountains over there? Man, if coach had just put me, we'd have won gold. -Uncle 'Surly' Rico Shaq was barely in his 20's when he had "The World Is Mine" tattoo'd on his arm. Remember all those interviews where Gretzsky kept telling them, "Please, don't call me 'The Great One', I prefer Wayne." I don't. Every other white tennis champion from the 70's through the 2000's couldn't shut up about being the greatest ever. Remind me of the times Woods & Nicholaus downplayed the debate of who was the greatest ever. Neither made any money off that friendly ribbing, nah. Clemens, much as I loved him growing up, would tell anybody with a microphone he'd be dominant in any era without steroids. Same with Lance. Simone's been shit on by 40% of her country, not a huge deal if she wants to wear a necklace every now and again. Next time you're running at 18mph, achieving a level over twice your height, and allow your C2-C7 to play accordion while absorbing the impact because you went 'night-night' for a split second up there, you can lecture us on what it's like to quit on 'Murica or your team. There are millions of people every day in this country ready to quite on the concept of America, as we know it. Simone. Is not one of those people.
  15. Yeah, her's was pretty good. Maya's is just on another level. And the added layer that she has a very mixed-racial/mixed-religious background in real life. There's not a 2000's SNL fan among us who can honestly they never once paused to think, "Hmmm...I wonder what Maya's ethic background is."; but not like a creep MSM news as of late way, just that she can do many impressions of different backgrounds with ease. IRL-I didn't realize her mom was a huge teen/20's pop sensation. Which would explain Maya's musical chops, which could come in handy for Harris sketches. I'm sure the multi-racial Maya playing the bi-racial Kamala Harris will cause a few boycotts. There will also likely have been a VPOTUS debate before the season debut, so I wonder who'll play Vance. As stated above, Molly would have been an interesting take but is also leaving the show. Dismukes or Day are the only current cast members that could pull it off, and not that originally. But I don't know that an alum/celeb cameo would agree to multiple appearances between September and November-January for maybe doing Vance 1 or 2 times/month. A wildcard I could see would be John Higgins (the shorter, bearded guy from 'Please Don't Destroy')
  16. Who?
  17. I swear I ate at one about 10 years ago in Midtown/Theater District. Maybe I'm thinking of the off-shoot started by his long-time maitre-d' Well now the story makes perfect sense, thank you Gil.
  18. Robert F. Kennedy eating ribs, regaling an all-white dressed Roseanne Barr who wants more of said rubs but for her choice in attire color. He's regaling her with a time he went to catch Falcons, found a dead bear, field skinned it, took the meat in his car---almost to the airport. Before using an old bike from a friend who had asked him to dispose of it, you know that thing you do when you want to donate or dump an old bike-you give it a member of the Kennedy family? Goes to a Steakhouse in Manhattan and then, pressed for time---stages a bicyclist hit and run maul on said bear with his drunken friends. This begins a statewide investigation while RFK JR sorts through his Falcon pictures on the plane ride out. And maybe over-handling the dead bear meat gave him brain works, but didn't kill him. He couldn't go ask for rancid bear meat vaccination from a doctor or vet because it might tip off the authorities. So ten years later, he's running on an anti-vaxx plaform, actually polling in some places in low double-digits. And the New Yorker fact check dept. is the stand-in for sanity and election integrity? I have that right? After a few weeks of optimistic thoughts on the future of the Republic, it would seem the simulation is done with its software update and ready to rumble.
  19. And that had a big influence on Punkie Johnson deciding to walk away from the show. Otherwise, looks like the cast is set.
  20. I've always said that LGBTQ+ people have had it way too easy for way too long in the Maliki-dominated Sunni Theocracy of Algeria. With the fucking parades, and the trans sports, never mind the gender-neutral shitting pots. It's about time somebody called Malik-Algerians on their wokeness bullshit.
  21. You arrogant ass. You've killed us! Letting up now, but thunder getting more robust to the East & South. First drop hit almost one hour ago and we're at 0.7'
  22. This is a very pleasant surprise. Sky went weird and pressure dropped, but just slightly about 1:00p. Light rain started at 1:30p. Now an absolute deluge. .4"+ in just 30 minutes with it getting heavier (we're just SW of downtown). Some faint thunder to our South.
  23. Can't find it anywhere, so asking here. What time is the LeMans race on Sunday 9/1? And how will it be broadcast. No way I'm taking the kids out there in my health, but would love to watch it with them on TV for a bit. Thanks.
  24. I’m quite curious to see how many children named “Trump” (first or middle) start popping up in elementary schools in the next few years. Heck, the initial wave of them should be about 1st or 2nd grade by now. Nothing weird about that. My father wanted to name me for his favorite President, Van Buren. But as a Swabian, was worried I’d be bullied as a weak Dutchboy instead. He went ahead with it anyway knowing I’d have to get mean or die, like in ‘A Boy Named Sue.’ Today our gang survives as soldiers of fortune in the New Holland underground. Win or lose, Kyle. Whatever Trump’s team promised you in his next administration, or partaking of the grift should he lose again. It will never come to pass. I wish you could see it young man, but you’re blinded by the limelight. You are condemned to walk this nation alone. You will get nothing. In my experience, you will get nothing and his team will begin to act cruelly to you. Why, you may wonder? To suppress their guilt.
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