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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. Now do 'Christine'
  2. 1400hrs-Normandy. The Germans begin their complete retreat from Omaha. The bridgehead establishment will begin in earnest in mere minutes. This is it, this is how it really begins. I put out our flag this morning. My two girls asked me why I was putting it out because I try to explain why most time (Memorial Day, Pearl Harbor, Independence Day, etc.). So I said "80th Anniversary of Operation Overlord, or D-Day." And they asked me what that meant, as much as I know about it. But I gotta get them to Vacation Bible School in a few minutes, so no time for long lobo lectures. So I simply said, "It's the reason we're here and free." God Bless all of those folks who died on those beaches, and Godspeed to those pressing forward at this exact moment as the Germans pull back, and make ready for the armor so the Allies can really rock 'n roll.
  3. too late, the invasion has already begun. There absolutely should be a new thread for 85, all around the world. Because there'll be so few left. At this very moment, sailors order up naval artillery to fire upon German positions on Gold Beach. It is being loaded, the rounds will be away, and hit their targets in the next few minutes. The pathfinders, minesweepers, and airborne have accomplished much. These shells will hit by the time you all read this post, and the first mass landings will ensue.
  4. ^ I mean, I come up with dumb shit all the time. But if I spend my media time talking about politically aimed injustice harming the former President, misallocated funds to Ukraine, tension in the Middle East, Inflation, Border Security, Election Integrity, and Protecting the Unborn. And they ask me what my platform is just 5 months out from Election Day, and I say, "What if, and believe me this is a hypothetical...but what if we had a fake currency of a $500 denomination with Donald Trump's image on it. Would that do anything for you?" I'm starting to think Mike Judge really is writing this simulation.
  5. You're getting old sir, "Title IX" is the name of the appetizer sampler platter of all 9 starters at Applebee's.
  6. $500? Okay, we can settle outta court right now for $20 and some envelopes.
  7. The script was a little cliche, but what a phenomenal cast. And didn't really fit with the times technologically, but now all these years later-very prescient. csb/ Stephen Tobolowsky brought his book to the Texas Book Festival (about 10-12 years ago). And we're having an author's reception for him and about 20 other authors. And every other person comes up and shouts "Ned Reyerson" and he's trying to be gracious but you can tell he's annoyed as fuck (like you guys are with me). To try and deflect, I introduce him to some donor as, "This is Mister Werner Brandeis." And Stephen cracks up, and we insists we head to the bar and had a buncha laughs. Didn't realize he was from Dallas. He and I are about the same size, 6'1" 210#, but he had a very genteel way about him. Talked a little bit about "Sneakers" and said that most of the big name cast members kept to themselves between shoots. But that David Straithairn, Whistler, was a really fun hang and hilarious. It was all I could do to not ask him about his time on Seinfeld and wanted to give him some space. But he really seemed to have loved being on that set of "Sneakers" /csb
  8. Is that the sequel or prequel to "Wet Hot American Summer"? I need to know now because I have something at 11.
  9. I don't know this gentleman, but I want to party with him. I totally acknowledge 'White Privilege', despite being mixed-race. But I have two eyes and two ears. But to be fair, Trump's shit isn't 'White Privilege', it's crossed the Rubicon into something altogether different. Just his whiteness (never mind he's actually orange and gold) doesn't really explain all this away. He's in a different ozone. I guess you can still call him 'White Privilege' in the way you call really potent cocaine or heroin by a nickname. Because he's not a race, or a man, or a leader, or a businessman, or a politician. He's a drug. He makes stupid feel better about themselves. He could be green or upside down. He was the high 50mm+ Americans never knew they needed. 'White Privilege' is the brand of Crystal Meth they are now hooked on. And they ain't getting off anytime soon...
  10. Well that's a just a diverse business portfolio. I remember as a little kid, my mom bought an exercise bike and a volleyball for us from Service Merchandise. And it was so weird to me that they were both labeled "AMF", if I had known they also made nuclear reactors...it would have been like Kramer shouting, "Is it insane? Or is it so sane, your tiny brain is collapsing in on itself as we speak?" I couldn't find it, but somebody posted a few years ago this really high-production value home movie of an old-school Evil Knievel remote/roll-up bike and it flew across this little plywood ramp over some toy trucks and it landed perfectly. Cracked me up. Shit we used to try to do as kids like put G.I. Joe guys in a Tonka truck and try to get 'em to jump a creek. We lost a lotta good men down there that day.
  11. Is that the Musk Family Truckster? You think you hate it now. Wait 'til you drive it.
  12. Syndicate. Yep, right by the tracks on the southern side of the street. Got a real weird vibe the second we walked in. Happened to me again about 15 years ago at a "club" at the base of the then newly built Monarch tower downtown Austin. Got invited to some wine tasting and within 90 seconds, knew the place was wrong. Obviously they are all over the place, but I'm too old to go to joints like that anymore. But I used to have a penchant for knowing them and sure enough, they'd close a few months later. After my dad passed away, several Italian "gentlemen" came to the post-funeral reception to socialize and pay their respects despite their differences with him and his trucking union near Chicago. I was in Austin, so my uncle up there handled the booking while I was traveling up there. This joint called "Giacomos", just outside the city. I was still a kid then, late 20's. But I could tell it was a front. And I asked my uncle why he picked a place like this. And he basically said, "Your dad loved shit like this. He'd invite these fucking guys to places like this and pay cash and then place an anonymous tip to the FBI guy we had on the dole. And sure as shit they'd get shut down as a message for a short time." So the food was excellent, all our blood relatives had a wonderful time in this private room. Uncle Gerry gives me a wink when all the fucking douchebags are leaving. Sure as shit, a few weeks later---the restaurant is shut down. It's reopened now, but it was his way of showing me another world I didn't really know. I mean, how lame am I...I'm looking up money laundering in the fucking dictionary? /mikejudge
  13. When I was working in the Arboretum probably 20 years ago, we had our office holiday party at UR Cooks. It was really fun. And then went a bit down the street to this newly opened "night club." I can't remember the name but it was something like Outfit or Syndicate or Network. After one drink, I got the real strong impression it was a money laundering front and filled with mass drug dealings. So we left. But the steaks were top-notch at UR I promise this dipshit doesn't even know what the border demarcation between Texas and Mexico is called, other than a "shithole river" But he'll probably carry 1 or 2 this cycle for reasons.
  14. "Yeah, we combed the bingo card. And we ain't found shit!" I know a number of people of color, LBGTQ+, and fellow Hispanic family members who vote this way, some of them very influential in politics. And that's wonderful, IMO. You shouldn't just pigeonhole your vote based on race, ethnicity, sexuality, or nationality, or even religion. Nobody should vote straight-ticket. There is nuance, and local issues, and broader issues, and on and on. But seriously, a black dude from the South wanting to usher back in Jim Crow? I mean, come the fuck on. That's weird even for this simulation.
  15. Most of the pathfinders have landed, along with several glider groups. In a few moments, Kriegsmarine will begin radar detection of multiple surface warfare ships and transports well off the coast of Pas-de-Calais down to Cherbourg. Though passed on to higher command, it is initially thought to be equipment malfunction. "There cannot possibly this many Allied ships crossing the channel, they don't even have that many." Also, at this very minute, the 1-hour pre-flight final check begins for the crew and armament personnel of 1,200 bombers of the U.S. 8th Air Force. Though they know a number of their sorties will be shot down by fighter intercept or ground artillery, they maintain routine. And they do exceedingly well in a few hours. The Day has Begun.
  16. Yeah, earlier today I saw the quote but it was without attribution. I just assumed, 'cause I'm bigoted like that, it was some southern Republican. Then an hour later I got it on my news feed...oh it's a Black Republican.......from where's that now? Florida? Simulation checks out.
  17. Yeah, we can get into a whole thread derail of the economics of it (we kind of already have). I'm glad there's no franchise honestly in Austin or San Antonio, because I'd feel obligated to take my daughters to games at ridiculous expense. We get to enough Women's Longhorn games that they can see what female athleticism looks like plus high-level teamwork. But yeah, my oldest wants Simone Biles gymnast gear or Caitlin Clark shoes one day, I'm all in despite it being over-priced, poorly-made shit from Malaysia. Where she'll probably have to go to for health care one day. It's kind of like just scrolling past posts from handles you don't like on here. If you don't like the WNBA, you could opt not to watch. Lobo rant aside, it is pretty weird how much shit Caitlin is getting after being in the league for 20 minutes.
  18. I mean, c'mon! the plague! Just send a gift a be grateful you don't have to go.
  19. You forgot to mention the “tremendous power platform that saved millions of lives.”
  20. Wasn’t my idea. It was pretty much DOA, but it had legs for awhile. I pictured it like the opening of “Airplane”. The white zone is the parking of cyclists only. There is no cyclist parking in the red zone.”
  21. Boy, wood eye!
  22. If your horse’s ivermectin erection releases worms into your brain for more than four hours, please seek medical care. wow, dude. You’re gonna open your TED talk with that?
  23. Yeah, I don't even know where to start on Comms. It my father's primary duty in the USN but it was a different era. But he said a big reason they tried to water-tight everything for the landings wasn't so much for landing in a random pond but for the days ahead when more rain was expected. They didn't know if they'd be sleeping out in the precip or in a 4-star French hotel or quartered with a Belgian family or in the tall grasses near a marsh for cover.
  24. Well it was lazy editing. But to be fair to the design/editing department, they haven't been paid in months because Trump left the checkbook in the other car.
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