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Joe Biden 2024 thread - Dark Brandon Where Art Thou?
YGIFS replied to StassneyHorn's topic in Cloak Room
I actually do that in my own home. Since we cut the cord, you have to go and download each cable news channel manually. So we don't block the channel, we block the ability to download the smartTV app (or whatever its called) as this blanket policy we have because we don't want the kids downloading pay apps or age inappropriate stuff. And they totally get that. So they'll sit quietly in another room and watch it on their phones/tablet, which is fine---you can't hear those things across the house like you can our main TV. But I'm referring to when we meet them all in Fort Worth as they arrive from points North. Or when we go all the way back to wife's hometown. From the moment the first person wakes up to start the coffee until the last person goes to bed, the main TV in each home is set to 50-75% of maximum volume and to FoxNews. They'll change it for a holiday football game, but otherwise----it's just a running loop of nonsense at ear-bleeding levels. Not judging, I have family members that do the same thing. You know how like you can stay on the same channel but the commercials will be one volume level, and the main show is another, and then the next show is another volume level altogether? With their target demographic, why doesn't Fox just push out a louder audio signal so people don't have to jack up their TV's so loud, especially the commercials for Trump Grift Schwag and Jim Bakker soup buckets? The saddest thing, or perhaps Fox's greatest trick, is that they can sit there and other than food and bathroom breaks, watch 12 straight hours of FoxNews. they hear all the same talking points and soundbites over and over and over again, just said by different hosts at different times of day. And never catch on to the pattern. If I tell you some made-up shit you wanna hear at a bar, you may remain a tad skeptical. But if you hear the same thing from an older relative, a friend at church, a fellow parent at school dropoff, a co-worker, a nice stranger out in public, a younger blonde relative, and your local newspaper's gossip column...well then you put your own mustard on it and carry it around with you as gospel. -
Ended up just being 30 minutes of rain here, but got about 1/3rd" in that time. Wide spacing between the droplets but they were large to quite large. We're just under 2 miles from the nearest LCRA recording station on Town Lake. Curious to see what they measure. It looks like we're done for the day, with tomorrow hovering around 20-30% most of the day. Same for Saturday, but picking up serious steam latenight into Sunday. Please use one of those days fellow Austinites, to empty out any standing water on your property to avoid mosquito orgies. this is July, not some Brisket conversation pit swing-joint. Sunday looks like the last bountiful rains of July. Muggy as hell this month, but we got a lot to show for it. And onto to August, sitting there...just waiting to suck.
I stand corrected (as usual). Since the '72 election (First signs of winding down infantry movement, but air strikes in Cambodia, the Pentagon Papers, Kent State, plus the novelty of being able to now vote as a teenager), is the first of any sizable turnout among young people. Of course Nixon wins easily, but they come out in far great percentages than ever before. Some of that carries over to 1976 and helps propel Carter over Ford. After that, 40+ years of being a non-starter. Percentages of under 25 voters remains abysmal despite all the efforts put into turning out their voting bloc. But this cycle is somewhat different and could offer a glimmer of hope a glimmer of doom. There is real, measurable, angst among young voters about Israel/Palestine. Founded or Misguided, There's enough of them in one swing state or another to fuck something up. I don't think they go for Trump outta spite. But they'll either be staying home or casting a pout vote for RFK or Stein. Other than women's rights over the decades (and a distant third being Iraq in 2004), I can't remember a single-issue so energize such a demographic that the Democratic needs more than ever. The second is I really didn't appreciate the gravitas and influence that Taylor Swift holds over so many young women (most of whom are now of voting age), until my oldest got really into her a year or two ago. I took the time to look into her subtle encouragement of being active, being positive, and having agency. If she can get 60,000 young women to the polls in a 6 states, for the first time in their lives, it's game over for Trump. I know that's an overly simplistic strategy, but if anybody can do it, it's her. Average 18yo Swiftie has no idea who the fuck the Clintons are. Average 18yo Swiftie sends in a photo of their new voter registration hat for some schwag and a chance to win tickets to one of her concerts, well then---welcome to the next phase of Democracy. Because we'll still have one. I can't wait for the Eras Tour to end. Selfishly, so I don't have to hear about it anymore from my daughter and her friends. But most important---she wraps up on 20 August. Giver her a week to get home and recoup. And then spend September doing appearances and virals and all that to get voter registrations up. States vary their deadlines, and even within states-the deadline is often different if you're doing in-person, by mail, etc. Basically think of 1 OCT as the hard stop date. She doesn't have to be partisan, just get them registered throughout the month of September. Hopefully, October Harris is kicking ass and taking names, roll out one celeb and high-profile Democrat after another every few days. Hope the Trump sentencing is appropriate. Taylor doesn't headline the Harris victory party, but she just so happens to play an overflow show somewhere in the D.C./Nationals Park/etc. area that same night or the next. Rest up and then it's on to Toronto. I never thought my biggest fantasy about Taylor Swift would be about her travel logistics. "Dear Expedia: I never thought this would happen to a guy like me, but recently..."
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
YGIFS replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Was he trying for like a witty Yogi Berra-ism, "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded" kinda thing? "Nobody voted for me because I had too many votes."??? I get that he's trying to encourage voter suppression, but of his own base? That seems like a weird play, even for him. (me zipping up pants and falling over armrest), "Wait, what are we doing? Or not doing? I'm supporting Harris, what do we not do though? Am I doing it right?" -
Starting to come down SW of downtown right now at 10:45a. Not that heavy, but big droplets (that's what she said).
Can I spend Thanksgiving with y’all instead of my in-laws?
I mean, c'mon. That Avocado pit hole isn't just asking for it? They're all asking for it, all the time Joey!
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
YGIFS replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Yeah, we're not special but we are different. I have no empirical evidence, but I think those of born in the back 2/3rds of Gen X have something of a vantage point when it comes to politics and news (no matter where you fall on the spectrum). We play Oregon Trail and the Lemonade Stand games in elementary school. By 5th grade, we're turning in book reports with something called Bank Street Writer. By high school, they're bringing us into the new "computer lab" which is connected to the "World Wide Web." There were only a few dozen sites we could use, so we still complimented it with hardcopy encyclopedias and well-edited newspapers and news magazines. We get to college, the only message boards are sex chat rooms like Opium Den. But we can start tracking our favorite band, movie clips, and news articles. There was political content but it was long-time established stuff like Mother Jones and American Standard. The only non-network news we consumed was CNN and that basically just to watch shit in Iraq blow up. Talk radio was about relationship advice and local pothole issues. We are the first adopters of mass message boards and a broader range of new and political sites. But because we came up the foodchain with the technology and had our arms around the analog version of it all, we are skeptical at all this superfluous bullshit online. It's about this time we receive our first email titled, "FWD: FWD: FWD; Rush Limbaugh says this about Vince Foster" Boomers figure out how to use it, but have decades of preconceptions and stereotypes, so they immediately glob onto what feels comfortable and familiar. The generations after ours don't know the printed/analog world/limited access to fringe news, they just assume this is what has always been like so they go out seeking their niche. Some find validation and fraternity, some find bizarre paths to walk down, and invent social media along the way. And then in our late 20's-mid 30's, the smart phone comes along and feeds that opioid straight into the veins of everyone with almost no effort, just consumption of content (however twisted). tl, dr-we're not better as Gen Xers. We just went from Newsweek, Dan Rather, a thick and fact-checked Sunday paper, knew the library like the back of our hands, 'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, to being the first to really use the WWW regularly to use legit sites for legit information. Everybody else was either parachuted in later to pick cafeteria style, or they never knew a world without a stream of running bullshit. -
Graffiti, yelling obscenities and threats in an officer's face, creating tension, being fucking idiots. Cost of the First Amendment I suppose. You start destroying physical property which belongs to the people of our country and start literally throwing cops to the ground and dragging their bodies around? Sorry your message is lost and so is your freedom. All you did was bring shame to a just protest for a cause worth further examination by many Americans. That's all you did today. If even one of those kids can accurately describe to me in 30 seconds or less what Sykes-Pico Act was/is, I'll post their bail.
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
YGIFS replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
I'm right at the back third of Gen X by yaers/births. It's about 5 you start to get into "stuff"---video games, music, tv shows, toys, world events, clothes, sports, etc. Atari 5200, shitty music videos we thought were the tits, Star Wars movies, G.I. cartoons and toys, hand-me-down O.P. t-shirts, lawn darts, watching the Cubs after school, Reagan being beyond popular, cassette tapes, going to Benny's video to rent BetaMax copies of "scary" Disney movies like 'Escape to Witch Mountain', Icees, Highlights for Kids and Scholastic Book Fair waiting for you in the mailbox to wash down with some chocolate milk, my first Mongoose dirtbike, and puling the lionel train set I had bolted to some plywood under my bed on casters, and putting myself to sleep listening to slum hum of the cars way past anybody's bed time. We all have the markings of our generation tattoo'd across our brains. But the one thing that was always true for every generation until the Boomers and significant portions of some subsequent generations was this: We never elevated stupidity. It was a liability. There was sexism, misogyny, racism, ignorance, uneducated, under-exposed, dumb asses----cost of doing business. But in our working class/middle class neighborhoods and schools and workplaces...being willfully stupid was held in low regard. There were kids you didn't play with because the parents weren't just saying and doing dumb shit and maybe from crappy schools, but they were legit stupid and proud of it. But it was a unspoken on all sides. They don't advertise it, we don't hold it against them. Go back and tell us younger Gen Xers that one day the same friends and family we did all that fun shit with, that one day they'd advertise their stupidity and cruelty and you'd be shredding them from your life on the weekly, like Cholera-infected wagon mates in Wyoming. We wouldn't have believed you, but here we all are. /csb -
Yeah, fair point. Plus the profile/visibility of certain sports change over time. I was just speaking from experience. Like in Illinois, they were informally known as "Olympic Sports" if you made state in swimming, tennis, volleyball, diving, track, etc "Our school has 17 Olympic sports students competing downstate"). And I know in Belmont, at least under DeLoss, so as not to use the term negatively, they wouldn't internally say "Non-Rev sports", they'd say "Olympic Sports." Obviously that's all different now with CDC and NIL. You can certainly say the same about most winter sports. Obviously most schools don't have ski jump and curling teams and the pro leagues are very low pay. So that's really the pinnacle for those athletes. My oldest was already watching one of those athlete profiles tonight with the soft lighting and inspiring music. I just overheard a little some smaller-watched sport, maybe climbing or something indoors, but it was basically "she would wake up at 4am and be driven by her dad an hour to train for 2 hours before school, and then another 4 hours after school. That kinda thing. And she asked, "Why do they spend all that time and all those years for a few events at the Olympics?" Fair question, especially since I'm not a morning person. I tell her, "#1-they have fire in their hearts and ice in their veins. The main reason they go is to see how good they are compared to the rest of the world. #2-they go to represent their country whether it's United States or Zambia or Andorra. #3-for some of them, this is it in their sport. They get a medal, and then can spend the rest of their careers endorsing products, signing autographs, being famous back in their towns. They deserve it because of how hard they trained for so many years."
Joe Biden 2024 thread - Dark Brandon Where Art Thou?
YGIFS replied to StassneyHorn's topic in Cloak Room
Well said. I just want to be clear, the slogan shouldn't be contracted "We're", it should always be spelled out in ads and banners as "WE ARE not going back." We are a flawed nation of mistakes and sins. Sometimes we take 5 steps forward, and then another 5 forward. Sometimes we take 5 steps forward and 6 steps back. Just how history works for any country run by humans. And when my daughter sees that slogan for the first time in the coming days, and asks "Why doesn't she want us to go back?." the solemn answer will simply be, "Because we can't." Then I start on my rant about how the people trying to take us back aren't skipping a day, so neither can we. That's about the time my wife usually walks through the room and rolls her eyes like "again with this shit?" She doesn't despise Trump as much as I do, but she certainly hates him. But I know deep down she was disappointed that her family never embraced Joe's faith (they are devout rural midwestern Roman Cathholics), and his sense of decency; and their flippant support of Trump. I don't bring up anything about my admiration of Joe nor condemnation of Trump around them, which works out well because nobody can hear me with FoxNews on at Volume 80/100 every fucking waking minute at the holidays. November with them gonna be lit. Thank Joe, your long watch is coming to end. Feel free to fuck some shit up on the way out, we got you fam. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
YGIFS replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Who knows? Shouldn't the world's greatest ballistics team, the FBI, know? Every mass shooting event, millions take to the internet to lecture us weapon type, caliber, difficulty of shot(s), scope, etc. One of the highest profile shootings in American history and that same group is dead silent. Yet another weird facet to this thing. Same with failure to bring any PA law enforcement before Congress or to Quantico for interrogation. It's like Uvalde, massive high profile shooting. They all gave a statement, there was a press conference, and everybody just went back to get coffee and write speeding tickets. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
YGIFS replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Dude, that game is even older than me. First time I played it at school, it had already been out for 10-12 years. It doesn't belong to your "wandering generation" I was fording rivers and ripping off axles from tourists when you were getting over the dysentery. Team CARPENTER for the win! -
Any Austin-area surly dads feeling sick from something their kids likely brought home from myriad camps/activities? I've been stuck at home for work and only leave to go walk around outside and every now and again pickup some food. Started yesterday, my little one has a cough/slight fever. Mine came on about 24 hours ago and is getting worse. Mid-range fever, coughing up a lung, no appetite. Took a Covid-19 test earlier, gonna take another one before bed. What are the predominant symptoms on this latest variant? I guessing it's just the same shit she always brings home, but this came outta nowhere...I usually get some lag time when she sounds like this. She's turning cartwheels and I'm having trouble taking a piss. /rant Thanks.
Are those bottom two pics at the park south of Travis. County courthouse?
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
YGIFS replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
So basically the Duggar Family and Utah decide the presidency? -
Joe Biden 2024 thread - Dark Brandon Where Art Thou?
YGIFS replied to StassneyHorn's topic in Cloak Room
Dude, everybody wears TV makeup. Especially the single camera that tight. You’d know if your ugly mug was ever asked to be on TV. Where you don’t wear makeup is to play golf, crash weddings, and hang around teen pageant locker rooms. -
God, I hope she fucked that horse.
I got no strong opinion either way. But I've long considered Women's Tennis to be an "Olympic Sport", that's kinda how HS and NCAA and UT Athletics categorizes them. I like the Gauff addition. But yeah, with all due respect to LeBron who is playing his last Olympics, I think Simone would be a more appropriate fit. Have we always had two? I coulda sworn it was just one. No DEI bullshit here, but this is one of those times where I think it appropriate to have one Male Athlete and one Female Athlete bring out the colors because of the breakdown of our contingent. I'd also like the idea of one of them, regardless of Men's or Women's events, to be an older Olympic legend with multiple medals taking their last run at Gold forever. And the other to be our best up-and-comer with the most potential for multiple medals in multiple Olympics. As a symbol to the rest of the world..."We have all these legends, and more waiting in the wings. We have all the best athletes across the most events. Abandon all hope, ye who enter these five rings." I mean I know it's about sportsmanship and all, but that all ends in the first Water Polo match when you take a knee to the balls as the Hole Man a dozen times (if you know, you know).
I can't help but wonder how many times it took him to realize to turn the glove inside-out? For a week or two, he was Ole' Chalky Chafe Chaise dick.
That awkward moment when your mother knocks on the door and says, "Son, I found another one of sticky catalogs while vacuuming under the sofa. Why can't you look at Victoria's Secret like the other boys?"
Furniture Salesman, "And folks, for just $89.95...would you like the premium upholstery warranty that covers any and all stains, spots, rips, or tears for 10 years?" Usha, "J.D., those things are scams. And besides....." Vance, "I'll take it!"
Someone who manages to retain a modicum of humanity (laughter), while about doing two of the most difficult jobs in the world (VP and running for President)? Oh, the horror! Also, they keep bringing up this shit about her parents not being born in the United States. I don't get that one. As long as she was, that's all that matters---you 'Students of the Constitution' None of the first 7 Presidents of this country had parents born in the United States because it didn't exist yet. And the first President with two native-born U.S. Citizens as parents? You guessed it. Martin Van Buren. Proud8Boy4Ever!
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