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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. But sir, this is a D.C. Arby's. They're all trying their damndest to politicize this, but it isn't working. They need to focus on how this happened and how to prevent it from happening again. Full stop. But they won't. The reason I know they won't is because none of the witness rosters include anybody from Pennsylvania State or local law enforcement on the scene that day, or their advanced teams. It's just R's, D', FBI, and USSS just spinning in circles with the Committee Leadership just baffled at how they're not getting the answers they want. "Well, Mr. Chair, we could have several key people actually responsible for that area/structure come in and tell us under oath what went sideways and when. Nah, fuck it!"
  2. Some states have rape kit backlogs. Ohio has an Upholstery Stain removal kit backlog. DIBS ON "SEXUAL SECTIONAL" for my new band name/discount furniture emporium
  3. J.D. knows about addiction. It's a big part of his best-selling book set mainly in opioid country in Eastern Ohio, Western PA, WV, etc. It starts with a billowy Love Seat, then you're onto pleather sofas, and the next thing you know---you're at a 12-seat modular sectional orgy.
  4. Yeah, how does he not get that? When W. Bush used to come on in the early days of Afghanistan and Iraq to give updates to the nation, they didn't then cut straight to John Kerry for 30 minutes yammering on about his campaign. Biden is completely outside FCC "equal time" boundaries to come on and say, "I'm not running again, instead I will be focusing on X, Y, and Z for the next 6 months" (something to that effect). Biden does need to be careful if/how he mentions Kamala. When Nixon announced his resignation, they didn't cut to Carter in Georgia after that. Oh fuck it, why shouldn't this be one in a series of thousands of things he doesn't understand? Not just because it's politically convenient, but because he's actually of somewhat below-average intelligence.
  5. If you look close enough at that little circular structure on the far right. That's an annex office of Ted Lorenz, and he's on top of it!
  6. It was really fun to read through that article with my kids last night. I wonder how thank ranks with other schools (obviously Stanford and USC with more sports and just as much success as us, will have somewhere in that ballpark). One cool thing my oldest pointed out. 37 current and former Longhorns...representing FIFTEEN different nations. If they don't find a way to tie that into "What starts here, changes the world", they're fucking crazy. Note to dads, when printing out the day's broadcast schedule...remember to switch to CDT from CET. They got all excited at some events happening before they go to swim/dance/etc. I realized, "Uh, you gotta subtract 7 hours from that time, we're not getting up 4am to watch Canoeing. "
  7. Let me guess, we're gonna hire another Czar to measure what the current Czar is doing to correct the original Czar's 10-point plan. Look on the bright side, it's been several months since we've had a machete attack (ducks)
  8. Conspiracy to keep Biden’s condition a secret from voters.
  9. Man, Fred Armisen emerges from retirement to play her? Really?
  10. three questions: 1. What the hell is Vortex bottled beer? 2. What did ever happen with Clear Beer? Go the way of Ice Beer or what? 3. 9 fucking years into the Trump soap opera, not one fucking journalist on the left, right, or middle ever asked him to define "socialism." You don't even need to put him on the spot and say, "Give us the literal definition of the word, sir." Just ask, "What is your understanding, or how do you define socialism, Mr. President?" How has nobody done that.
  11. will give that one a look as well. I think part of what rubbed her the wrong way was after they shot her friend's 1 or 2, the rental guy was just going on and on about "this one is great for ladies, small hands, perfect for a small purse." And yeah, she doesn't need a revolver, and I get that's his training schtick...but dude look at her grip...she can't even keep her bottom two fingers dangling off the well and just told you she doesn't want to carry it out of the house. She's a stickler for condescending service. In the end, it's about you can shoot confidently more than anything else...but when the customer's hands are bigger than yours are, maybe at least just hear 'em out. We looked at SW 380, Ruger 380, and will add HK VP9 into the mix. Maybe start there. And go back for some of the others Handcruser mentioned.
  12. "But I need to see Inmate Bannon. Nestor baked him this here cake."
  13. Joe only has six more months to come and take all our guns like all my MAGA associates declared. What's he waiting on? I was told he'd be coming for 'em.
  14. Pretty much this. They're gonna have to sell everybody on "sure, they're not as seasoned as most justices, but..." Folks need to remember Thomas was just 43 at confirmation, Roberts was 50, Gorsuch was 49, and Barrett 48. It needs to be somebody 50 or under, period. -First thing is to of course to hope that Alito and/or Thomas is removed for cause -Second thing is to hope that Alito and/or Thomas die. Not out of the question since they'll be 78 and 80, respectively, at the end of her first term. -Third, pay attention to Sotamayor's age and health. she'd be an 'older' 74 with her pre-existing conditions. -Fourth, Senate will be close for 2023-2025. But 2025-2027 is arguably more in favor of Democrats. But we know about first-term mid-term votes historically for the party out of the Oval. No way GOP lets Harris nominate somebody in the final year of her year in office. So they need to figure out the Sotamayor thing by end of first two years. And then it's likely that if Thomas or Alito vacates their seat, they'd probably play ball and allow a new nomination. By the end of her second term, no way Thomas AND Alito are both still up there so you could go from 6-3 MAGA to 5-4 Democratic nominees with a newbie in Sonya's seat. But that's a long ways to go.
  15. If you've been playing the "San Francisco Liberal" drinking game this afternoon/evening. Congrats, you now know what it feels like to have the mental acuity of Eric Trump. And probably the same facial expression.
  16. ^ You gave me some recs way up thread about 6 mos. ago. Wife had already gone to the Range with a friend and that gal brought 2-3 pistols. All Walther IIRC. Anyway, wife didn't like them. And didn't mention it again until this week. You had some other recs. But she's a little different (aka choosy). -She hunted a lot with her dad growing up, and is a decent shot, but that was 25 years ago. She's done range time maybe a handful of times since. -She is 5'9" and has appropriately large hands...so a compact barrel and grip isn't really a necessity, in fact it's a net negative (she doesn't want to customize it and all that shit). But she's got kinda frail arms in middle age so it's a balance of a comfortable grip for her but nothing that'll throw back her shoulders since she's losing muscle mass in middle age. -She has zero plans to carry it on her person (maybe secured in the vehicle someday, but that's a stretch). This is merely for home protection when I'm not here because she can't access my handgun. So yeah, a delicate balance of "normal size" (basically her hand width and strength is that of an average 5'10" man of average athleticism in middle age). But again her shoulders and chest muscles are starting to go downhill, so that's a factor. And we'd store it safely obviously, but again concealed carry in her purse is not remotely a factor. tl;dr---normal sized weapon for tall woman that will leave it at home, chest/shoulders getting sensitive, but still do some kinda damage if god forbid. What's are a few thoughts to resume this endeavor with her?
  17. To be fair to JD, it was fine Corinthian Leather. How appropriate the administration known for reading the least of any, nobody vetting Vance bothered to read his book?
  18. I have no doubt Trump is that bad on the greens. But two glaring questions remain: 1. Why do we all know so many MAGA folks who golf and feel cheating at golf is a cardinal sin in sports, but cheating on spouses/businesses/et. al. is perfectly fine and almost admirable? 2. Why would this DeChambeau guy release that video? It makes Trump look horrible. I think he's played rounds with him before, this will destroy that relationship and probably get some lunatic MAGA minions on his ass for the next year.
  19. I might not be a tall man, but I do know what love is...Jenny
  20. Somewhere in Iowa, there's a woman in her late 40's remembering her question out of the blue this week. Happening slightly different, and much later on than their conversation predicted, but sometimes just uttering something into the ether of the universe can change the course.
  21. Never got into Transformers, but watched the cartoon. Was more of a G.I. Joe guy. After parents split up, working single mom couldn't afford G.I. Joe, and voila-perfect timing the knock version of both Transformers and G.I. Joe come along in the form of M.A.S.K. Was fun for a couple years. Theme song was good. It came on either right before or right after this "budget-friendly" cartoon/toy line: C.O.P.S. also, a good intro:
  22. Joe's trip to Austin/LBJ is back on. July 29th (Monday). More truncated, no Lester Holt interview. Still talk of a smaller fundraiser with Luci Baines and Ian on behalf of Kamala with Joe being the Guest of Honor, but trip will likely just be the majority of the day and then back to D.C. that night. Hard to believe sitting in the 60th anniversary shadow of the Civil Rights Bills at LBJ Library, Joe Biden reflecting on his work to improve the lives of people of color on his watch, with a woman of color now running for President...that all of it combined doesn't hold a candle to what Donald Trump did for 'the Blacks.'
  23. J.D. Vance just got an idea better than sofa sex.
  24. Shit, good catch. I forget that Shriver replaced him almost immediately after the convention. There isn't a whole lotta historical evidence on his withdrawal over mental health issues. McCarthy was supposedly with him all the way, but some feel the Kennedy family encouraged McCarthy to ask him to step down quietly and move Shriver in. In the end, Eagleton felt it was best for his own health and the nation that he come clean with everything to the campaign and move aside for personal reasons. He's a big reason why "vetting" of VP's is such a big deal now, despite them having been in the public eye for so long. Totally forgot about him. He ended up going back to the Senate IIRC where he did a bunch of good work. But then got caught up in some kinda blackmail thing where church of Scientology was gonna expose him for being gay and an addict or some shit. People forget FDR had 3 VP's run with him, not just get appointed to the position. We've also had 18 periods of time from a few weeks to a full 4-year term where there was NO vice president.
  25. For a first-time VP, none have ever been dropped from a ticket between the convention and general. A handful served one term, but were dropped before subsequent POTUS terms, at myriad points in the election year. On the one hand, Trump does not want to lose face on this choice. Despite all the goofy shit coming out about Vance and his horribly awkward campaign appearances since Milwaukee. And he keeps a handful of Sand Hill Road billionaires money flowing in steadily. On the other hand, Trump doesn't like the fact that despite having been shot at, he is a Page 3 story right now with Vance. He wants the limelight back on him. If anybody would ever pull this on a VP already slotted, it'd be Trump. I'd give it a 1/5 chance of happening, which is actually high considering the historic norm. How much ketchup is strewn about that 757 and Mar-a-Lago right now after they told Trump that Kamala's mother and Vance's in-laws grew up around the same time in Central India.
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