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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    Super Bowl halftime

    Isn't there some type of rule where you're not allowed to actually play a halftime show? Meaning every act lip syncs and plays unplugged? I think I read that somewhere, but could be wrong. If that's the case, I could see the Foo Fighters not wanting that. Honestly every halftime show kind of sucks. I can't think of one I've really, really enjoyed in recent memory. They're too big and theatrical. Everyone trying to one up the ones that came before. The stadium size, crowds, and spectacle doesn't seem to translate well to TV. The sound always feels like it's poor even though everyone's lip syncing. It just tries way too hard. I actually liked the two songs all right that smuggs posted above, but what I saw last night was nothing like that.
  2. Thanks. I was originally thinking Direwolf. Massive fuckers who protect their humans from white walkers and other threats.
  3. If you can't think of any actual damages, I would have argued it. I guess it's too late now. I expect apartments to screw me out of a deposit. It's what they do. I eventually quit cleaning apartments when leaving because I knew they were going to take my deposit for cleaning and other petty things they nickel and dime you for anyway. I learned that after the first couple of places I lived that I left spotless. But you have the audacity to bill me even more money? Screw that.
  4. Bryan Cranston kills it as LBJ. It covers the first year of his presidency as he tries to unite or at least appease enough conservatives, liberals, and civil rights leaders to pass the Civil Rights Act while also trying to win reelection. Streaming on HBO Max.
  5. I'm assuming Candace Owens is whom he is referring to, which is nauseating. She is 100% a grifter and a complete airhead if you've listened to her talk for 5 minutes. Just scanned her Wiki page trying to see her credentials. This part was great: So she essentially became a conservative overnight after some online trolls criticized her for some website she was building that was intended to doxx people online, which she blamed on liberals. Then Milo and other conservatives started supporting her and propping her up, and the grift began. I first heard about her around the time she appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast where she embarrassed herself. I'm not sure why it's not embedding, but below is one of the few times Rogan has pushed back against a guest and exposes her idiocy on climate change. EDIT: Fixed the embedding issue. (1) Joe Rogan & Candace Owens ARGUE Over Climate Change - YouTube
  6. The pickings have been slim, but I never stopped going to theaters. Go to a matinee on the weekend and you'll very likely have the theater to yourself in my neck of the woods. I just need them to quit pushing back "No Time To Die" already. Before I die. Probably from the COVID I caught going to a movie theater.
  7. I would have watched this just for Margot Robbie if Suicide Squad wasn't one of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen.
  8. Beetlejuice and Mars Attacks are my favorites of his. I never cared for the first Batman movie, even as a little kid. Batman Returns was the only one of the 4 that came before Nolan in the 80's/90's that I really cared for and would watch multiple times.
  9. His podcast is one of those in that it's only as good as his guests, since he transitions his opinions and personality into whoever his guest is. If I were to scroll and see someone I really liked on his podcast, I'd listen. Until I saw this thread bumped, I completely forgot Joe has moved 100% over to Spotify. I didn't even notice he was no longer on my podcast feed. On his own, he's completely forgettable.
  10. To be fair, that's only true outside of weed, DMT, having four presidents, and MMA. If you come on his show and don't support drug legalization, he will furrow his brow hard at you. But yeah, anything else like saying Sandy Hook didn't really happen is fair game.
  11. Bingo. This is a bunch of dumb nonsense that accomplishes nothing other than feeding right into the hands of right wing media. I fully expect to get a group text from my sister to my family in the coming days showing what the radical leftists are doing to destroy history in San Francisco that I won't really be able to defend. Wait....the Continental was discontinued? Damn, I actually liked the new one. First Lincoln I've liked in decades.
  12. Isn't this the state that can't keep good teachers because they can't afford to pay them a decent salary? But they found room in their budget for a stockpile of an unproven drug?
  13. I know it's petty and possibly inappropriate to go after her looks, but Maria always looks like she's on day 1 after a long bender.
  14. Yes, I was joking, and no I don't anyone still is directly. But the Civil Rights Act plus Nixon and Reagan capitalizing on dog whistles was the impetus for the Democrats losing their stranglehold on this part of the country. And now, yes, Fox and right wing media fills that role. I don't know what Democrats really need to do. I've been hearing Texas is about to turn blue my whole adult life. I'd love for it to, but I'm not holding my breath waiting.
  15. Fake blonde hair, pretty to look at, and the ability feign outrage and lie at the drop of the hat? Generally a smug, insufferable asshole? I think that covers most of the boxes.
  16. I'll be rooting for Tampa Bay because they're NFC and I've gotta always root for my conference unless it's Washington or the Eagles. That way if the Cowboys are on the bubble next year they might win the eye ball test and the committee may......oops, nevermind. I almost forgot this is the NFL, and it doesn't have a ridiculous and arbitrary way of deciding their post season based on conjecture and guesses. I guess I'm just rooting for Tampa because I like Brady and Tampa Bay better than Kansas City.
  17. If you're in DFW, Babe's Chicken is the shit. That is all.
  18. FIFM. Easy choice to 86 any donut place over the others.
  19. THANK YOU! BIden's inauguration was all for show. Anyone who's done their own research knows Trump is still fighting and finalizing things behind the scenes. The Corporation thinks they inaugurated Biden, but get your popcorn ready for March 5th when he is taken out and arrested, the Corporation dissolves, and Donald Trump is reinstated as the 19th president of the real United States. At least that's where QAnon Twitter is telling me the goalposts are now. But you should educate yourselves. Anyway, yeah, MTG seems like she sucks.
  20. Who here had less than 24 hours? Congratulations! Come on down to collect your winnings.
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