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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    Mad Men

    That's what the ads are for.
  2. I've tried a couple of these businesses (Freshly and Proflex), but I think I'm done with them. I like the convenience of being able to grab something premade to take to work when I'm, as you eloquently stated, too much of a lazy fuck to prepare something the night before or in the morning. But screw paying $10 each for these little 300-400 calorie meals, which is pretty standard for all of these businesses. I get that it's supposed to be healthier, and it's definitely better ingredients and tastes better than some TV dinner you'd get in the frozen section. No complaints there. At the end of the day, you're still paying $10 for a frozen meal on a plastic tray that's not really big enough to satiate an adult sized appetite. If they could figure out a way to cut their prices down, I'd be more inclined to use them again.
  3. Thigh for flavor, followed very closely by the breast for having the most meat. For most of my life until recently I was a leg guy. And only serial killers will choose the wing. 1a. Thigh 1b. Breast 3. Leg 4. Wing
  4. Tom

    Mad Men

    I started watching live in season 3. I remember renting the first season from Blockbuster around 2008ish. You had to pay to rent each disc separately and I believe there was something like 4 discs a season, so I probably could have bought it for what I paid to rent it. Luckily they ran a marathon of season 2 before 3 started, so I was able to catch up before watching live weekly.
  5. I stumbled onto the debut episode channel surfing and watched the whole thing in a whole "It's so bad I can't look away" car crash type of thing. Ice T was unmasked at the end. Ice T on the Masked Dancer. That dude's fallen a long way from gangsta rap.
  6. And screw the haters; I like a nice cologne. As long as you're not taking a bath in it, there's nothing wrong with it.
  7. To be fair I was thinking the same thing. Your first post said "No broken glass." It's still shitty regardless of how they got in.
  8. Yeah, it's always been seed. I've always assumed he artificially inseminates farm animals for a living.
  9. I mean, that's pretty much the exact argument their lawyers made in court in Tucker Carlson's defamation case. And they won with that argument.
  10. I don't know how to embed Reddit posts, but this is fucking genius. Not My Creation But It Is A Work Of Art. Enjoy : PublicFreakout (reddit.com)
  11. Tom Segura interviewed Andrew Yang on one of his podcasts about a month or so ago and they were talking about a lot of the rot in today's media. Tom was making fun of OAN and how he has a podcast where he and his wife just watch crazy internet videos with their friends and it has far superior production value to their amateur hour news station. I've personally never watched it other than clips that have been posted online. It's either not on Dish or it's not where all the other cable news channels are in the lineup.
  12. That's funny, but it's two years old. It's not from after the events of this past week. Here is the 1:38 minute director's cut from Reddit: Trump supporter yells at police "Stop treating me like a black person" : SelfAwarewolves (reddit.com)
  13. It sure looks like they did. I'm mostly not surprised since the posts were mostly political, but I'm somewhat surprised since this entire thread is mostly political. I waited until page 10 of non stop political commentary to insert my commentary. I thought that would be enough to not raise eyebrows or piss the regulars off. I don't know or really care. I would love to hear the excuse for why any posts on this page were deleted compared to the first 9 pages of this thread.
  14. I agree with the OP. I don't want to see any politics on the football board. Only the cloak room, daily texan, lulz, movies & tv, music, hobbies, and food and travel.
  15. Tom

    Mr. Mayor

    Yeah so I like it all right. A lot of room to improve, but it had a few legit out loud laughs in the first two. Few comedies find their rhythm and are great after two episodes, but this shows a lot of promise. I cracked up when the lion mascot came flying at him.
  16. Good post, but you left off the second goal which is important to note: to capture and murder the Vice President and other members of Congress whom they see as traitors. I agree with impeachment even though it won't accomplish anything since he'll already be out of office, but I'd be even happier not impeaching if I knew for sure he was going to be arrested, convicted, and jailed swiftly once he's out of power.
  17. Not sorry if this version has already been posted. The music really ties the video together.
  18. Tom

    Mr. Mayor

    I kind of forgot about this coming out, but I'm looking forward to watching it. Tina Fey and Robert Carlock have earned giving anything they do a chance. I like Ted Danson, too. I certainly wouldn't say choosing to work with the 30 Rock/Kimmy Schmidt people implies one needs money.
  19. Spoken like someone who didn't say their prayers and eat their vitamins growing up.
  20. Is this real? How in the hell is Trump in the Wrestling Hall of fame? I know he did at least one guest appearance or two which became a meme, and it was a sad affair for all to see such little fists fail to sell a punch. But I was a wrestling fan from the late 80's through 2001ish and he does not deserve to be in the hall of fame. What a mockery he's made of our finest, most respected institutions.
  21. I'm confused. The trailer doesn't make it look like they all hated each other and actually enjoyed making music together.
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