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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Protester 1: "Hey, man. I'm down with the cause and wanna help. Anywhere you want me to drop a pile of bricks? Somewhere near downtown Dallas?" Protester 2: "Thanks, brother! We actually think urban centers are played out. If we want the nation to really pay attention and see us, I think we should hit that sparsely populated cookie-cutter subdivision on the outskirts of civilization. I saw there's a bunch of undeveloped land across the street where we could really do some damage."
  2. I think the last thing I saw Phoebe in was that "Girl on the Train" movie that came out a few years ago. She's definitely aged the most of the three while Aniston is apparently a vampire.
  3. Debatable. Some swear they see the top start to wobble before credits roll, others say he's still in the dream.
  4. I've noticed a new trend for Trumpkins is huge ass Trump 2020 flags on their homes. Yards signs are so 2016 and doesn't give dear cult leader the admiration and worship he deserves.
  5. I prefer Warren personally, but I'd be fine with Harris. I personally don't see how one can use Warren's campaign run against her while in the same post endorsing someone who ran a worse campaign, dropped out earlier, and finished behind Warren. Biden's one-and-done 2008 primary didn't stop him from being Obama's pick.
  6. I personally liked it more than either of those shows once it got into the crazier stuff starting in season 2. The Leftovers is a must watch.
  7. Speaking of bitches, have you taken a break from the cloak room in the past 24 hours? How many more posts in here before you run off to another board and pretend you don't look at or post on this board?
  8. Inventing things? You honestly think Onboard's motives are the same as yours? I'm honestly beginning to believe you might actually want Trump to win this election just to prove some point. You need to get over your primary PTSD if you're defending Onboard.
  9. Yeah, because you're a real fucking mystery to figure out.
  10. Sure, maybe you haven't defended his talk. You also haven't spent a fraction of the time criticizing it in 4 years as you have spent criticizing Biden's talk in 4 days. We all see straight through your transparent bullshit. The whole "I don't support Trump, the Democrats are forcing me to support him due to nominating ______" isn't really believable this time around.
  11. My favorite part of this post is that it was liked by immortal13 just 24 hours after the post below.
  12. Tom

    SNL 45

    Unpopular opinion, but the cast is always great. SNL is like the movie or music industry or anything else. Everyone always thinks the old stuff was better, but they only ever remember the highlights viewed through a nostalgic lens. My only complaint about the casting is how little Melissa Villasenor is used overall.
  13. I know it's cool to shit on Snyder, but 300 and Watchmen were solid adaptations. Yes, even with the changed ending to Watchmen. With that said, yes, everything he's done related to Superman/Justice League/DC since then has been terrible.
  14. 3/5 of the posts on this page prior to your submission with "commentary" are from well known conservative posters. But nice try! You sound pretty butthurt. What was your username on the other site? Because you weren't posting as "Turkleton" on Shaggy. Is this Escriva? FCHorn? Just blink and post "57 states" if it's you.
  15. I look forward to you providing examples of me being a chickenshit racist or examples of where I've held black voters to any different sort of standard than I've held white voters in my 10 years on this site and Shaggy, or voters of any other race. I look forward to you providing examples of what views Democrats currently hold that harm blacks.
  16. If you are black and vote Republican, you are ignorant and misguided and I will call you an idiot. If you are white, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, etc. and vote Republican, you are equally as ignorant and misguided and I will just as quickly call you an idiot. Unless you a filthy rich and looking for a tax break, regardless of your race, Republicans don't give a single shit about you and I doubt you can find anything they offer you of any substance. Is that good enough for applying the "same standards" for you? What has the GOP offered in four decades that is helpful to the AA community?
  17. The author could have easily just said alternating puffs on a cigarette and inhaler. I like that the author included the brand name to show this wasn't any COPD smoker, but someone with COPD smoking one of the most white trash garbage brand of cigarettes. He really went above and beyond to paint an accurate picture of the modern day Trump supporter.
  18. This is shocking and changes everything. If Biden lies about more than 18,000 things in the next few months I might have to consider that the GOP candidate is more honest.
  19. As a white male whose hips don't lie about how stiff and awkward he is on the dance floor, I can't get too riled up about dances that take zero talent to perform. Also, see two-stepping and the Macarena.
  20. There would have been impeachment hearings if Obama, Hillary, or Bill tweeted something like this out as president. It's going to be important to not ever forget how fucking far the GOP not only tolerated, but openly cheered for and encouraged the absolute corruption of the executive branch. And it needs to be shoved back in their face with gusto at every opportunity once Trump is gone and they start complaining about saluting with coffee cups again. It's going to be eye opening and entertaining after 4 years of Trump listening to what suddenly gets posters like Onboard, Johnny Sack, and the gang riled back up again about what's in poor taste for a president to do or say after Biden is elected. I look forward to their pearl clutching at whatever condiment is beneath a president.
  21. It's a good thing he was able to use his family money and connections to get into Wharton. That education might have been wasted on somebody else.
  22. Maybe he's still upset when LeBron left Cleveland the first time. Still thinking about that $80 he wasted on a jersey he ultimately had to burn.
  23. Yeah, maybe that's all true, but what you have to remember is that EMAW got an extra $45 back on his tax refund and now has a Costco membership. If Hillary were president he'd still be shopping at Food Lion. That'd be the real tyranny. Worth it!
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