2015 Poe It Up: "Look, if you think a joke of a reality TV show host is going to win the Republican nomination, I just don't think it's very healthy."
2016 Poe It Up: "I mean, sure he won the nomination and presidency, but if you think McConnell, Graham, Cruz, and others aren't going to keep him in check, you're just being fanatical! Trump will fall in line and isn't going to take over the whole party."
2020 Poe It Up: "Trump may be rough around the edges, but he'd never get away with extorting and leveraging foreign aid to Zelensky in exchange for election interference. You're just overreacting!"
Also 2020 Poe it Up: "If Trump loses a free and fair election, he'll accept defeat and there will be a peaceful transfer of power as there always is. Nothing to be alarmed about, lefties!"
Not sure why, but I guess I just don't trust Republicans when they say, "Sure, some people in our party are nuts and are suggesting crazy shit, but cooler heads will always prevail."