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Everything posted by Tom

  1. True about Harmon, but I don't personally feel like the show got better when he returned in season 5. It kind of felt like the magic and chemistry was lost by that point. Season 6 seemed better than 5, but I binged it on a tablet thanks to Yahoo and I might need to watch again before judging properly.
  2. This show went to crap after Chevy left. I get that he didn't like or get the show's humor, and that he is supposedly hard to work with, and maybe it was all coincedence, but this show had 3 superb seasons and all included him. Seasons 4-6 had some random good episodes mixed in but overall the show didn't work anymore as more and more cast members left.
  3. Lazy. The first seven frames are all caps in some off brand version of Century Gothic and you go with a lower case serif font for the photoshopped? You're lucky I didn't neg.
  4. It's like the episode "The Ugly Section" from this season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." They lack the self awareness of Larry David.
  5. Fingers still crossed that Joe challenges him to a push-up contest or boxing match at the debates. Nothing would be more American in 2020.
  6. Tom

    SNL 45

    I don't blame SNL. All of these live shows come off as weird and unfunny in their non-live, at-home atmospheres. I also watch Last Week Tonight and Colbert, which both have lost their magic without live audiences. Both come off as public cable access shows. Maybe some of these shows should just take a break until all this blows over.
  7. It's okay, bud. I forgive you.
  8. I'll happily eat all the crow if it comes to pass. It just seems highly unlikely to me and I also think revenue models are going to change with continued cord cutting. But you all do you. I won't continue interrupting.
  9. This tweet almost triggered me until it was pointed out the NYT were acting like dogs. Like our dear leader, I can't stand people who act like dogs, whose acts include getting fired, getting thrown out of place like China, etc. Fucking dogs, I swear...
  10. This thread has become worse than Star Trek fan fiction. LOL at the PAC's best schools ditching a century of tradition along with Notre Dame coming to the Big 12. We'd be lucky if we could convince the non-coastal PAC state schools to switch over. USC, UCLA, Washington, etc. are not joining the Big 12. These hypotheticals are dumb.
  11. Lou Dobbs has a lot of gall to criticize anyone else's fashion choices walking around like the Cryptkeeper with type II diabetes and that bad paint job on his hair. I also enjoyed how the second to last clip includes two men in tan suits to discuss Obama's poor choice of wearing a tan suit.
  12. From what I've heard, a guy who goes by the handle 8badmofo31 is doing a bang up job on other sites. We could try to recruit him.
  13. Wow. This is awful and against forum rules of wishing death on other posters. I'm surprised you weren't banned. I, on the other hand, being a stand-up poster who follows all rules, wish you health and happiness while also wishing COVID-19 slowly ends Ted Cruz's life before he has a chance to delete his browser history.
  14. I'm going to eventually need to rewatch the movie or re-read the book to get this bad taste out of my mouth. The first season of this show was good. I'm not sure why I'm still watching whatever this has become.
  15. Holy shit. That is by far the best Trump impression out there. Get him a wig and some orange makeup and give him Alec Baldwin's spot on SNL.
  16. Yeah I'm pretty sure one can learn as much about covid-19 from watching Tiger King as you can watching the president ramble incoherently about it with his pillow buddy. There's no reason for any press outside of his cheerleader networks to be at Trump's new replacement rallies.
  17. Seriously. Hannity has basically said the same things on air. Of course, he's #1 in their ratings. I guess being a second tier former Bloomberg coorespondent doesn't put you in the untouchable category at Fox.
  18. What one must remember is that Barack Hussein Obama, II was the most divisive president of all time.
  19. Has Tim found his mommy/GF yet? I know he was struggling. I'm praying for him.
  20. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/18/australia/australia-chinese-restaurants-coronavirus-intl-hnk-scli/index.html
  21. You realize most people on this site are probably between the ages of 45 and 65, right? And your claim that spring breakers are millenials is purely circumstantial and wouldn't hold up in a court of law. I'm a millenial and am staring down the barrel of 40. Nobody I know is out on "spring break."
  22. This is horseshit. Yes, Texas will probably go for Trump in the end, but it will be close. Trump is very unlikable, and in 2018 a very unlikable Ted Cruz was a hairline away from losing Texas. This is not 2016 where people thought "Trump might start acting presidential after he's elected." People know exactly who he is. There is no Clinton on the ballot this time. Trump losing Texas is not an impossibility. You may not want to vote for Joe Biden, but you should absolutely vote against Donald Trump. RBG is not likely to live through another presidency, and claiming Biden will nominate another Kavanaugh is flat out bullshit and you justifying your non-vote out of pettiness and your pouting that your preferred candidate isn't winning. I can't remember if it was you, but I've heard it argued on this board countless times that Bernie people not voting for Clinton in 2016 was largely a myth. And yet here you are proving them correct. You also said not long ago that as long as a Democrat went to the convention with a plurality of votes and they won fair and square and weren't cheated, you would vote for that person. Of course, that was before Super Tuesday when Bernie was leading in votes and delegates. Now you're adding extra qualifiers. Stop it. I like you as a poster, but quit being a bad teammate. Vote for the Democrat.
  23. I mean we already know he's a piece of shit just for being blind and getting behind the wheel. This just makes it worse.
  24. Grown men taking advantage of a pandemic crisis for profit and using their kids in the process need to get their ass kicked.
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