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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Grown men taking advantage of a pandemic crisis for profit and using their kids in the process need to get their ass kicked.
  2. This is the second time I've seen you reference Bill Burr in a few weeks. You know he's a left wing liberal, right? I know he's an admitted uninformed moron who spouts a lot of conspiracy bullshit so people like you are drawn to him, but at the end of the day, he voted for Bernie Sanders. Hopefully he rubs off on you.
  3. Dr. Drew from Loveline fame has been hitting the conservative media circuit lately downplaying Coronavirus, proving doctors are not immune from being fucking idiots.
  4. I've always been warm to the idea of joining the PAC due to being with like-minded academic institutions. I'm coming around to the SEC. Previously I hated the idea from a perspective of the SEC having " too many chiefs, not enough Indians" where we might get lost in a lineup of too many blue bloods. Now I kind of appreciate keeping our biggest and most historic rivalries together and being in a geographically convenient conference.
  5. Officially or "convinced a disgraced doctor to say I'm 239 lbs and the healthiest president ever" negative? Aw, well, nevertheless.
  6. I remember her on Bloomberg TV. She seemed a little biased then but wasn't the angry cartoon villain she is today.
  7. Truly sorry to hear that from a horn! Be sure to check out Texags.com. They believe stupid shit like the Q conspiracy and Hillary sold Uranium to Russia and Obama was a secret evil Muslim. It's definitely more your speed.
  8. Curious if you will still feel this way when Roe v. Wade is being overturned 7-2.
  9. Possibly. Starting this thread is part of my mourning. My number 1 (Warren) dropped out this week and my number 2 (Sanders) got destroyed on Super Tuesday. Maybe it's a dumb premature thread, but I was just curious where people stood at the moment. I was also curious if there were any previous Trump voters who might switch to Biden since the "conservative" Democrat appears to be the nominee. But I guess they are choosing not to participate.
  10. This is assuming it's a Biden v. Trump election. We can have an amended amended poll later if Bernie comes back and someone wants to make it, but for now all the momentum is in Biden's court and I'm assuming he will be the nominee.
  11. If you were with Pete or Liz or Klob or Bloomberg or Bernie and have to choose between the front runners, which would you choose?
  12. The great news for Warren is she is not done. This country is hell-bent on electing 80-year-olds far past their prime and after they start mentally declining. She just ran too early. Her time will come in 2028.
  13. She was mostly good, but damn she sounded too much like a woman. I just can't get behind being led by a woman with some old woman voice.
  14. Trump is a child tossing 3rd grade nicknames. It's not surprising you'd compare it to Robin Williams given your history of posting 3rd grade level memes in the comic relief thread.
  15. Who knows? Maybe he needed a job? And I thought it was $50,000 a month? Do y'all actually know how much he was making or do you just throw out a random number every time you want to bring it up?
  16. Top donors to Liz are nerds. I'm in good company.
  17. Zavala still praying and sexually fantasizing getting to see Clinton on TV again every day. He only gets to see her now mentioned on Hannity a few times a week. Sad!
  18. Dumb take. Tony Romo is the best quarterback Dallas has ever wasted.
  19. 20 years is a long time ago.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong or navigating the website wrong, but she has as many sponsored bills passed into law since 2013 as Bernie has in his entire career. She may not be as left wing or pure as Bernie to the bros, but she's a better politician and would get so much more done as a president. Too bad she's going to lose. At best we'll have 4 years of Bernie yelling and pounding a podium talking about reforms that will take a miracle from God getting passed into law. If we win the Senate he'll thankfully get some judges passed and that's about it. The Democrats are not going to bend the knee to an outsider the same way the GOP has for Trump. Liz is in a bad spot where she's too "capitalist" for the Bernie Bros and too left wing for the Bloomberg/Biden/Klob crowd. She's everyone's second choice, but can't grab enough first choice votes. We don't deserve her and are going to fuck this election up. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=412542#current_status[]=5,28 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400357#current_status[]=4,5,28
  21. Yes. Democrats are coastal elites who keep minorities enslaved on the plantation through welfare. The Diamond and Silk out front should have told you.
  22. More like Dyin' Rush Limbaugh, amirite?
  23. I'm surprised you can even still buy Bernie jerseys. He hasn't played pro ball since, what, the 1960's?
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