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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Sure, Rand. I can't believe everyone didn't think of that. People should just mortgage their future savings for when they're too old to work to pay off their ridiculously overpriced school loans. They should just use those 401K's they don't have or pay into because they've been crushed by school loan debt their entire adult lives. How fucking out of touch can one be?
  2. Alan Dershowitz also argued it should be legal for an adult to fuck kids, has represented a who's who of some of the biggest scumbags of the last 30 years, has been a Trump boot licker for 3 years, and has become a regular Fox News contributor. I'm going to have to go ahead and value his opinion at less than zero.
  3. He may as well, but I feel like he might have scared off some who voted for him in 2018 with his strong anti-gun messaging during his presidential run. This is still Texas. I'm also not sure Cornyn evokes the same level of disgust for many Texans as Cruz does. I'm not saying he can't win, but I wouldn't feel as confident for him as I did in 2018.
  4. Dang, should I be watching Chris Cuomo? I tend to stay on the side of all cable news/political shows suck, but I like the cut of his jib here. He's not insulting, not calling names or hostile, but refuses to let conspiracy bullshit and lies get past him and to his audience without calling them out for what they are.
  5. I can remember when Dallas ruined Deep Ellum for about 10-15 years so this hits close to home.
  6. She is nicknamed Pocahontas by so-called journalists. She was referred to as that by one on Fox News yesterday. But no one ever talks about it? How many times does she need to address it before people are satisfied?
  7. Right?!?! She's only releasing 11 years worth of tax returns vs. (checks notes) zero. Checkmate, libtards.
  8. So, assuming you're right, basically the status quo only most Americans are far better off.
  9. Sadly, Hornfans has also drank the GOP Kool Aid. They aren't a whole lot better.
  10. Booker - 6 Biden - 2 Buttigieg - 5 Gabbard Harris - 5 Klob - 2 Sanders - 23 Steyer Warren - 21 Yang - 5
  11. Who specifically is stopping Hillary from running for president if she wants to? People voicing displeasure on Twitter at the idea of the person who managed to lose to a reality TV scandal magnet with the full backing of the DNC behind her running again isn't stopping her from entering if that's what she wants. I can see why you'd be itching for a more flawed big named candidate to run again seeing as how Trump polls behind just about any other Democrat running. Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie just don't seem to have the same effect so far as Crooked Hillary. Fox hasn't had a two decade head start on vilifying them.
  12. I enjoyed it in a nostalgic, kind of ridiculous, 90's action film type of way.
  13. I've never seen a Chic-Fil-A sandwich sit under a heat lamp for longer than a few minutes or long enough to become soggy. There certainly aren't "tons" precooked. You can say what you want about the taste of their food, but their service should be the model for all fast food restaurants to aspire to. They have it completely figured out, and their service is consistent across different locations and franchises because of how scrupulous they are in letting people own them. You could be in a line wrapped around the building at a Chic-Fil-A and be driving away with fresh food faster than you would at a Popeyes or Whataburger if you were the fifth person in line.
  14. Okay, so you're going with the Graham defense. That it's okay if Trump breaks any laws because he's just dumb and we should all just move on? A defense which entirely ignores the damage and erosion of trust towards the U.S. and our foreign policy in the future regardless of if it's successful now? That it wouldn't have worked -- something you have no idea about because if not for the whistle blower, we might be having a different conversation today with the country focused entirely on a Biden conspiracy. What would Trump actually have to do for you to finally give in and believe he should be held accountable for his actions? I hope you realize the precedent the GOP is setting for the country about presidents being completely above accountability and the law. Because the next one that tries to pull Trump's nonsense likely will not be as dumb and inexperienced, and it very well may be a Democrat instead of a Republican. And then while you're pulling your hair out asking how such obvious corruption and attempts to dismantle our democracy can go unchecked, you can think back to today when you and the entire GOP decided to be cowards rather than patriots more concerned with protecting your party's leader than your country. And @Incredulity still has not answered this very simple question. Without deflecting about whether or not it will matter or where the votes will fall, does Trump DESERVE to be impeached? It's a yes or no question.
  15. The white nationalist thing wasn't a shock. Learning Miller is only 34 years old is more of a shock. Must've been a hard life for him being a white man in America.
  16. Yep. Reading the comments on news articles online, Facebook, etc, a big part of all this is they have been conditioned to believe stupid conspiracies like "Hillary sold 20% of our country's uranium to Russia and got away with it!" or "Hillary killed Seth Rich and supported a pizza parlor's pedophile ring and got away with it!!" and "Benghazi!" and "emails!" I think some of them know what Trump does is wrong but it's okay because the swamp, aka Democrats, have been getting away with it for so long. 2+ decades of Rush, Fox News, and actual fake news has them convinced this is payback for a bunch of stuff that didn't really happen. Propaganda is effective.
  17. Positive rep to you. Congratulations are in order and a round of applause to the first true thing Emaw has ever posted. We used to have the fairness doctrine and we used to be a nation that had standards. Now we have Fox News and OANN thanks to Republicans who thought reality was too liberal and left wing for their liking.
  18. Ozymadias: Tell me, boy. Who's President of the United States in 2019? Mr. Phillips: Robert Redford. Ozymandias: Ha! The actor?!? I mean, after 30 years he's still there?
  19. His opinion is irrelevant. He still thinks Trump is less corrupt than Hillary. He doesn't live in reality.
  20. Funny regardless, but I think I speak on behalf of all millenials when I say please don't lump that dork in with us. He was born in the 70's. At best he's one of the younger Gen X'ers.
  21. Libertarians in general always end up falling in line with Republicans. Rand is no different. Self proclaimed libertarians on this board and back on Shaggy were consistently outspoken and critical of Obama and Hillary yet tend to be silent or find some kind of defense when it comes to holding Trump and the GOP to the same standards. At the end of the day, Libertarians are just Republicans who smoke weed and like to name their kids after crappy authors.
  22. Is this based on one Times poll that shows her losing midwestern states to Trump? Every other poll I've seen shows Trump losing to all of the top Democrats. Warren is my first choice, but I didn't mention her in this post. I'd take most Democratic candidates over Biden. And we're still a year out before the first primary has even taken place. Likely D voters are already going to vote for whomever is nominated. A charismatic nominee that stirs up grassroot support from those who normally wouldn't vote is better IMO than trying to find the least offending, most conservative Democrat to try to get former Trump voters to switch sides. The cliche "Democrats fall in love while Republicans fall in line" still rings true. Nobody is falling in love with Joe Biden. His entire support and strategy seems to be based on "I think Biden can beat Trump." Nobody talks about what he stands for. Trump will come out strong and confident in the debates and I could see him eating Joe alive. It would be nice to have someone who knows where he is and doesn't start talking about record players or vomiting random numbers out of his mouth.
  23. Let's elect the gaffe machine with no policy ideas who will tread water for four years before the next Republican rides in because a year out he polls a point or two higher than the other candidates who **checks notes** are also all projected to beat Trump.
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