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Everything posted by Tom

  1. If y'all are reckless and nominate Warren, you're going to force Fozz to vote for Trump again and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
  2. If being against corruption, monopolies, corporate welfare, and against companies running wild without rules and regulation or oversight equals anti-business, then I pray many more candidates come out as anti-business.
  3. Tom

    Gym Pet Peeves

    No worries. Feel free to keep the grunting at the local Gold's and 24H Fitness. Half of the things mentioned as pet peeves in this thread, including but not limited to grunting and attention seekers, is actually enforced at PF and they get shit on for it. Can't win I guess.
  4. Yep. I haven't been to a BWW in I don't know how many years, but I've never been to one that didn't have some type of sports playing with audio so loud you had to raise you voice to talk to someone else at the same table as you. Then there's people cheering and groaning at whatever game is on. It's a loud place. I can't imagine how loud a party at a different table would have to be for you to actually notice.
  5. Tom

    Gym Pet Peeves

    So long as you don't grunt. Not sure if serious or if that's supposed to be another dig at Planet Fitness, but yes.
  6. I disagree. Republicans have played to win by pushing the conversation further and further to the right and refusing to compromise for decades. It's always Democrats compromising, which is why so many in the country think centrist/center right Democrats like Obama and Clinton are far left. If the conversation starts at M4A, we may likely end up with your wish for a public option. If the conversation starts at a public option, we're going to end up with nothing. The affordable care act started with a public option and Democrats compromised it out. Hillary did not lose because of left wing views that turned off independents. She lost because she had a decades long smear campaign against her and didn't have the personality to overcome it. But by all means, let's nominate another center, corporate democrat with vague platitudes who will get little done to move the country towards progress while Republicans regroup post Trump and retake big majorities. The time to be bold is now when you have the most divisive president hated by a majority of people.
  7. Eh, that's actually a pretty funny joke.
  8. Tom

    Beto 2020

    I heard from some guy on TV just now say that apparently Beto didn't just end his campaign, he quit like a dog.
  9. Makes sense. His political career has likely turned him from a c-list celebrity lovable buffoon type to one of the most hated men in NYC. Now he can live near Mar-A-Lago and all the other olds who keep Fox News on all day and love him.
  10. I don't know about this show anymore. These guys are either completely out of new ideas or have forgotten what made the show funny in the first place. This isn't the same show. It feels like a cartoon with caricatures loosely based on what used to be "It's Always Sunny." Obviously there's still people that like it and watch it, so more power to you. I'm close to checking out. It feels like we're in TWD territory. Just making the show to keep it going but having no idea where to go with it.
  11. Ah, yes, the old "more land with hardly anyone living on it voted for this person over the other person! If we get rid of the EC, who'll speak for these open plots of soil and who'll represent the arbitrary lines on a map? The system works perfectly!" The system is outdated garbage that doesn't represent the people. And give me a break about "open borders." Both W. and Trump's ego tried to prove illegal immigrant voter fraud and couldn't. And if it's so important in the 21st century to stick with an 18th century system, you'd care more about gerrymandering since the founders' vision was that the House would grow with the population. But hey, that's also benefiting the red team morons, so I'd bet to nobody's surprise you're fine with that, too.
  12. This argument again? With a popular vote, every voting citizen would have an equal voice in electing the president. California and New York have tons of conservatives who don't have a voice in presidential elections. As it stands now, Ohio, Florida, and a few swing states decide every election. Live anywhere else and your vote is about as meaningful as if you'd just stayed home.
  13. Nice try. You almost had me thinking Obama actually isn't the most divisive president in history. Then I remembered he was black.
  14. Only 5 more football seasons and hopefully the days of needing to know who carries the LHN are over. Can't wait for our games to all be back on channels every provider carries.
  15. Lol. That's the old douchebag who unsuccessfully tried to sue John Oliver for defamation and calling him a geriatric Dr. Evil.
  16. It's been a while for me too but I'm pretty sure I remember a baby getting snatched and turned into food in the first five minutes.
  17. So my small complaint is that in this version by the time Batman is saving Gotham, the Joker will be spending his social security checks on Luby's. He's only becoming the Joker at what, 45? And Bruce Wayne is still a child? The age difference between the two is a little large.
  18. I'll watch but it's been so long I don't really remember what happened last season other than them making a crypto coin.
  19. Yep. And secret service agents are just former police and military turned security. They're not experts, lawyers, or authority on anything constitutional. He's an outspoken, former NRA TV smartass Trumptard whose opinion isn't worth more than anyone who posts on this board.
  20. Tom

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Hey cool, crash read some clickbait articles on the internet that said "Smith Machine so dangerous. What about my balancing muscles?!?!!" and has been running with it. My gym pet peeve is people who think you can't get bigger and stronger with progressive overload through any type of resistance training and think you have to free weight squat to build legs. If only somebody had told Dorian Yates he had to squat to build any muscle, he wouldn't have been laughed out of Mr. Olympia competitions for his chicken legs.
  21. Pro Snowden here. He brought to light that the government was committing crimes against every American citizen as well as people around the world at the expense of him possibly never getting to see his friends and family again. Screw the idea that he should have stayed here and rotted in a jail cell.
  22. Every accusation is truly a confession with these morons. They can't help themselves.
  23. Mad Men. That show is full of great lines. "The reason you haven't felt it is because it doesn't exist. What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons. You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts."
  24. Such a bullshit take. The EC is outdated and only ensures the very scenarios conservatives like to pretend it prevents actually happen.
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