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Everything posted by Tom

  1. I believe it, too. A lot of people are saying this.
  2. I, too, listen to Pod Save America.
  3. I know that you'll feel betterWhen you send us inYour letter andTell us the name of yourYour favorite vege-table
  4. Going wild takes a toll on the body.
  5. I don't know. That was probably that moment I was talking about where I was either looking at my phone or not remembering properly. Regardless of whether that one thing was explained, I still thought season 2 was less enjoyable overall. I did like that they found a new angle for this season and didn't just go back to repeating the same thing as season 1.
  6. Russian Doll Season 2 recently dropped. I really liked the first season, but season 2 was messy and convoluted. Season 1 was also three years ago but I feel like I definitely remember them ending up in different multiverses or something where the other one didn't know about the Groundhog Day loop. Now it seems like they started back off in season 2 where they were both familiar with each other again. I was probably looking down at my phone and missed some important detail that explained it, or I'm just flat out misremembering how season 1 ended, but either way I wasn't super impressed with the whole thing.
  7. The 38ish year old woman with the 27 year old Mexican dude (I wish I could remember names) annoy the shit out of me, specifically the young kid and his dopey attitude and entitlement. The second he spent his whole night whining because she didn't buy him a car he should have been shown the door. These people are so pathetic.
  8. In all fairness, the president barely knew Bannon. I think he may have gotten coffee for the president a few times, but he didn't really know him.
  9. I know, right? Mix in a push-up once in a while, Richard.
  10. Also his clothes and pants look like they fit appropriately.
  11. It would have been a weird flex if Gilligan forced him to come in and audition for BCS after BB.
  12. Good for her. I really don't understand how allegations of being a pedophile or grooming children is so often being shrugged off and ignored by so many. How are people going around making accusations as disgusting as calling someone a pedophile and not getting their asses kicked for it? At the very least sued for defamation. Do we not have libel/defamation laws anymore in this country? Why does it seem everyone can get away with saying anything they want these days? Words should have consequences.
  13. I don't disagree with any of that. When I say the earliest albums didn't age as well I'm talking specifically about the production. Nothing wrong with the songs themselves or Twist and Shout, I like them all, but some of the recordings or the mixing or whatever you call it sounds dated to my ears. I still enjoy the songs, but they sound "old" whereas the later albums almost feel like they could have been recorded much more recently then the 1960s.
  14. The Beatles aged perfectly fine outside of maybe their earliest few albums. Not sure which generations are calling them overrated either because I'm a millennial and my generation for the most part loves them. If anything, not liking the Beatles is a contrarian opinion regardless of which generation you're in. And I like the Stones. I just like the Beatles better.
  15. Both were good at playing awkward and nerdy, coming of age, forever trying to find themselves 20-somethings. Have either ever proven they can play anything else now that they're in their 40's?
  16. I'm not sure where your confusion lies. You and your friends spent eight years crying about Obama over imaginary grievances only to ignore four years of Trump gaffes, lies, exaggerations, running up the deficit, golf, and whatever other stupid shit you lost your mind over from 2008 through 2016. Then you disappeared. Now you're back wanting people to listen to your ridiculous grievances again when everything you want to accuse Biden of doing there are 10,000 examples under Trump doing the same thing you are accusing but worse. We see right through your disingenuous bullshit. Yes, you are going to get but Trumped a whole lot. There's no expiration date as far as I'm concerned.
  17. I voted other for Leslie Jones.
  18. The funny part is Matt Gaetz is the one in that clip most likely an actual sex offender.
  19. I've watched it twice and can't figure out what he's trying to say.
  20. I like both shows, but the whole BB vs BCS boils down to this for me. I watched BB as a stand-alone show and it was as close to a perfect series as you could get. I really enjoy BCS, but I don't know if I would have made it through the first three seasons of McGill vs McGill if I wasn't already acquainted with several of the characters and their future storylines. BCS doesn't get 6 seasons if BB doesn't already exist.
  21. Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records. Well, I do. So fuck him, and fuck you too.
  22. "Huckabeef." Good one, Chewy! Almost forgot about that one. I think what you're missing here is that Jen Psaki is quick as a whip and cute to boot while Sanders' inner ugliness and lies only amplifies how gross she looks. I just don't see the misogyny in stating the facts. If you want, I'll call Ted Cruz fat and ugly too. Because he is.
  23. Unpopular opinion here but I liked "Cop Out" and have watched it more than once.
  24. I watched "Once Upon A Time in Venice" on I think Hulu last year. Honestly I didn't hate it. It wasn't a masterpiece but for a direct-to-video movie I went into with no expectations it was pretty enjoyable.
  25. Unbe-fucking-lievable that the toad who attempted to help the loser of the 2020 election overturn that election by falsely claiming the election was stolen is going on TV to scold Democrats for something that he's already done in the last election. There's nothing bad enough that could possibly happen to Ted Cruz where I would feel sorry for him. He's the absolute fucking worst.
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