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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Such a bullshit take. The EC is outdated and only ensures the very scenarios conservatives like to pretend it prevents actually happen.
  2. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.
  3. You don't understand. He's just a salty sailor. An imperfect vessel through which God is using to carry out his vision for this country. A vision of low taxes, a country that works for billionaires, and a vision of white pale faces.
  4. I'm pretty sure he also ran a strike team in Los Angeles and is now retired and posts about cholas on this site. It's no wonder he's okay with abuse of power.
  5. Tom

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Hey, that's not fair. I'm pretty sure Vic's women aren't allergic to taco salad.
  6. Tom

    Gym Pet Peeves

    I'm pretty sure Planet Fitness centers are mostly franchised, so their equipment can vary from location to location. I apprehensively switched to a Planet Fitness that just opened near my house. I was hesitant because at my location, no, there's no free weight bench or squat. I'm still happy with it. I'm not joining a power lifting team or the NFL at my age, and the dozen or so smith machines (yeah yeah, hate away) are never all being used at once and are good enough for me. It's big, clean, and there's a ton of hot women there. No ragrets.
  7. I guess the turban is kind of hard to explain, but are we sure he's not doing red demon-face from Insidious.
  8. This isn't a remake. It's a sequel with different characters set in a different part of the country. The comic book/movie takes place in 1980's NYC and the Kalvary/white supremacy thing wasn't a part of it. This is present day Tulsa. So far Ozymandias is the only character from the original who has appeared on screen. This series looks like it's following the comic over the movie from the scene where they're driving home in the rain.
  9. I thought the way Jeremy Irons played the character made it somewhat obvious. I won't spoil it on here, but IMDB confirms who he is if you're curious. I need more. This show is going to be both weird as shit and amazing.
  10. The movie is awesome. You should watch it anyway.
  11. Are you inferring that by us interfering in other countries' affairs you're okay with other countries that wish us harm meddling in ours?
  12. I don't know a lot about Tulsi, but I'm just glad we now have a strong leader and no longer bow and apologize to Russia.
  13. Remember when conservatives on Shaggy feigned concern that Obama made the U.S. look weak?
  14. Hereditary and Midsommar were both great and pretty unsettling. The kind of movies that stick with you long after it's over. My favorite horror movie of the past decade is still probably:
  15. Texashammer's fetish is Sarah Huckabeef Sanders lookalikes. And "loving America" must mean undermining all of our democratic institutions, our traditions, our ideals, our checks and balances, our allies, and suppressing democracy all in the name of....what exactly? Oh, yeah, it's on the guy's shirt in the picture below. "Making liberals cry." That and keeping scary brown people out. The only two things conservatives care about.
  16. Fitlump has a brother?
  17. I've been sick to my stomach about this situation, but blaming it on the city of Fort Worth and saying their people deserve this or are somehow to blame is absurd. And turning it into some city vs. city debate is in bad taste. I must be getting old, but it's been, what, about a week or two since a Dallas cop was sent to jail for 10 years for something equally if not more egregious? Tell me more about how much more progressive Dallas is! Yes, Fort Worth is a little more conservative than other Texas cities. But this is a nationwide epidemic of a broken police and justice system that needs to be addressed. I'm sorry one or two of you sat in a restaurant in Fort Worth once and saw too many white people for your comfort level.
  18. Funeral > Led Zeppelin I Fight me.
  19. I was going to say, if Todd being fat surprised anyone, that just tells me you've missed a few great TV/movie rolls of his over the past 5 years.
  20. Hey buddy, don't fetish shame me!
  21. It's really not a big deal at all outdoors. People who freak out at people smoking outside like they're going to get cancer and die if they whiff a little second hand smoke make me laugh. I wouldn't say I like it, but it doesn't bother me the least in bars either. On the other hand, when you're in an elevator or near someone who has that stale ashtray smell baked into their clothes and hair.....that's a turnoff.
  22. The wailing is in regards to abandoning an ally that gave up thousands of their own men and women's lives so we could have less casualties and then standing aside to let them be slaughtered by their geographic rivals. It's one thing to not want to start a new war or get involved in the middle east in the first place. It's something else entirely to abandon a group you deliberately used and put in harms way and sell them out to a world leader that would like to see them wiped out. Do you see the distinction in that?
  23. Seems like a big waste of money to run that ad in Houston. The optimist in me wants to believe they have internal polling that hints at Texas truly being a battleground state in this election. If that's the case, big metros like Houston is where Trump would want to spend money.
  24. Yeah, Aziz is probably the WTF low moment of the "Me Too" movement. If what Aziz did was wrong, as a guy you might as well never initiate sex with a woman again. All sex is bad.
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