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Everything posted by Tom

  1. SEC Rant is seriously upset that our fans actually believe in our team or have the audacity to talk trash. Apparently we're being cocky and arrogant. Have they spent five minutes reading their own board? We're being mean because we don't recognize LSU and the SEC are comparable to the NFL while the "BDF" and every other conference in college football is comparable to pee wee football. We should be thankful just for being graced with their presence and the chance to witness greatness. Upset that we're not kissing the ring. Fuck them, fuck their new Big 12-lite offense, fuck their backup choice Shrek on the sidelines, fuck the use of the word frick, and fuck A&M fans who think their school suddenly learned how to play football just because they put a different patch on their jerseys.
  2. There's certainly not just those two types of people in the world. That's a very naive take on the world and humanity in general. And I think JimmyJames' post went over your head. Not to oversimplify the issue, but a drug addict's drug of choice fills an insatiable need that leads to compulsive and irrational behavior to placate that need. The same way that you will find a way to sleep when you get tired enough, eat when you're hungry enough, or fight to get above water when you can't hold your breath any longer, a drug addict will do whatever it takes to get their fix until they find recovery. That is why the prohibition of drugs and alcohol is ineffective. If tomorrow the government made a law that the possession and consumption of food is illegal, you would become the type of person who doesn't follow laws. Now you might be thinking that comparing using drugs to eating is ridiculous, but it's not to an addict whose brain has been wired that way. It's the same type of craving. That does not apply to guns, and we know gun laws work because we can point to any number of countries in the western world where they do. That's not to say a criminal won't ever get his hands on a gun or a mass shooting will never happen again when the person is motivated enough, but if you make it difficult enough you save tons of lives from people who won't go through the costs and effort of finding a gun. Or possibly at least delay them enough to where they might have a moment of clarity and come to their senses. The AWB of the 1990's saw a decrease in gun violence that predictably increased again once it expired. I'd gladly take my chances on gun prohibition before depending on the "good guy with the gun" who rarely ever shows up in these scenarios.
  3. Can anybody point out where in the bible it says "whites shall only lay with whites, blacks with blacks, or it is an abomination"? It doesn't excuse bigotry, but at least I know where in the bible it refers to homosexuality as a sin. Where in the bible are they pulling the racial purity stuff from because I was never taught it in Sunday School.
  4. Only two guaranteed playoff spots for non-SEC conferences and you want to bring another mouth to feed just because you're a closeted UH fan. No. Just no.
  5. It's kind of amazing how long Tennessee has been wondering lost in the desert given their history. Despite what Cajun Tiger, Gator, or Bulldog fans would have you believe, Tennessee is by far the second most storied program in the SEC behind Bama. And they haven't done shit in 20 years. They are the Minnesota/Nebraska of the SEC. It makes me all the more grateful that Texas already seems to be rising from the ashes of mediocrity.
  6. Keep drinking. You're almost there, and I believe in you. Hook 'em. But since you're here, for the love of God, vote "D." Yes, even Biden if it comes down to it.
  7. Damn, look at the vascular arm and baseball sized bicep in Wohl's first pic. He's been hitting the gym! Other than his L.A. Looks hair gel that holds his Smart Looks haircut together, his cigar that makes him look like Who Framed Roger Rabbit's Baby Herman, and that punchable face that only a mother could love, he looks like quite the catch travelling all around wherever that fence goes.
  8. I wouldn't say that at all. Tulsi is definitely a little more filled out and curvy, but they're fairly close in stature. If anything Warren looks like she may have an inch or two on her.
  9. I don't have strong negative feelings towards Tulsi. I have zero feelings for her. I do find it funny that her number one fan in Fozz pushes for Warren to drop out because of a perceived lack of minority support but champions Tulsi after her lack of any support whatsoever.
  10. Meghan Kelly's career there was pretty much ruined over asking him if he's unfair to women during a debate. She was a prime time favorite up until then.
  11. Here's a real unpopular opinion if only for the total hypocrisy. I know I'm a complete hypocrite, but I really don't give a shit about men covered in tattoos. You do you. I'm disappointed when I see an otherwise beautiful woman covered in ink. It's a double standard, but it is what it is. I see tattoos as masculine and trashy on women.
  12. Yeah, someone polling consistently in the top 3 out of 20+ should drop out before the first primary. Sound logic.
  13. Anything you have to drown in butter, salt, and pepper just so it's edible can definitely be beat. He was way off on that looking like grits, but grits are a completely forgettable breakfast item so I'll allow it.
  14. Tats are fine, but less is more. It used to be a few random pieces of ink, but now people will spend what could be a down payment on a house covering their entire body. To each their own, but it's a turnoff for me.
  15. Most of us can't really remember the 2001 Cotton Bowl debacle because we were in the Holiday Bowl beating the Huskies.
  16. It would motivate the GOP as much if not more. They've proven to have two principles they don't ever stray from. 1. Paying as little in taxes as possible. 2. Packing the courts with conservative judges. There is nothing else they value more. If RBG died in 2020, a lot of people who don't like Trump and were thinking about voting against him would hold their nose and vote for him again because "Trump will only be around another 4 years, but that justice will shape the supreme court for a generation."
  17. Fuck him. Thoughts and prayers for our country that he subverted for profit. Hope his brother schedules a reunion soon.
  18. So three more choices than the Republican option to the mass shootings problem. (Thoughts and prayers)
  19. Such a tired narrative completely rooted in fiction. So Republicans were responsible for the New Deal? Supporting labor and union rights? Was JFK not a Democrat when he proposed the Civil Rights act and was LBJ not a Democrat when he whipped Congress into getting it passed? Which party is for expanding health care and which party is trying to take it away from people? Which party is trying to chip away constantly at social security, medicare, and medicaid? Which party wants to raise minimum wage to a livable wage? Which party is suppressing minority votes? Despite the parties' flipping on certain issues, and despite the southern segregationist Democrats flipping to Republican, if there's one constant throughout American politics it's that Democrats have always been about workers' rights and Republicans have always been about helping those in this country that need it the least at the expense of everyone else.
  20. Another example of Zavala posts that age about as well as a Trump tweet from 2013. Dan Crenshaw's episode just dropped on Rogan's podcast. But Rogan's just a liberal shill who refuses to interview conservative politicians, right?
  21. Enjoy continuing to pay more in taxes than anyone else in the world for health care while also paying deductibles, premiums, and copays at extortionate prices while your mediocre policy is at the mercy of shareholders all so you can pretend you're self reliant instead of a sucker. Our system is the laughing stock of the west. The pharmaceutical and insurance companies and their bank accounts thank you for your ignorance.
  22. If you're referring to yourself or anyone else who thinks a government run, non-profit healthcare system for all will be what turns us into a socialist country then, yes, I agree.
  23. Tom

    Good Boys

    Generally agree with the above. It was funny and enjoyable, but it's nothing worth rushing to the theater for. It's a less funny but still enjoyable companion to Superbad. 12-year-olds screaming obscenities wears thin by the third act.
  24. Coincidentally, rent free is the same way you live in your parents' house in between poisoning innocent dogs.
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