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  1. The talent disparity was crazy. We win by 16 with even a decent coach.
  2. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Depth is good. Very good. Especially with a versatile wingback/forward like Gallagher. He’ll get plenty of minutes and even start on double game weeks/cup games. I hope Zan gets on the pitch. Still may favorite and his left foot is deadly. I can see Brandon Vasquez loving him on the wing but he won’t displace Biro. Fortunately they’re not like-for-like so Zan still has a role on this team
  3. This team has way to much talent to be wasted on RTs “coaching”
  4. Tigers Blood was my AOTY too. Not a single miss on that album. She was phenomenal live as well.
  5. When you’re scared your nuts don’t hang bro. follow me for more biological fax
  6. Cool to hear Craig Way do TV
  7. Awesome to see Kent back
  8. Jnip IIRC. After he was does rasslin his pops
  9. Public school teachers who vote for trump are a special kind of idiot. I’m aware there are a few; I’ve been the public ed sector for 23 years, but miss me with that narrow minded trad wife shit. Our kids need allies to navigate them through all of life’s curveballs and she’s on the front line of mental health. Is she aware what plans trump has for the DOE? Your wife is a moron.
  10. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    haha we suck. Rodo is full of shit when he says stuff like YOU WOULDNT BELIEVE WHO CALLED ME INTERESTED IN PLAYING/COACHING FOR AUSTIN FC https://www.givemesport.com/austin-fc-nico-estevez-head-coach/
  11. Congratulations on your 1999 Minnesota state football championship! 🎉
  12. And yet here you are and always have been shitting your dumb opinions onto one of the most trafficked beer spaces on the internet you fuckin dork. lol at investing in H&G you seem like an giant fucking idiot.
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