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Bullneck 2.0

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Everything posted by Bullneck 2.0

  1. No, but you are a massive fucking twat. If you weren't serving up creeper pics, you'd have been crowdsourced years ago.
  2. Old and sick dogs aren't "put down". They are "laid to rest", "euthanized", "helped across the rainbow bridge". Problem dogs are "put down". Rabid dogs are "put down".
  3. You're on the internet you dumb motherfucker. Look it up.
  4. From the Xavier Worthy thread. Posting here because there's more that know how ridiculous these comments are. There are 11,390 players in FBS football. Your math says 11,162 of those players would earn more in college than the pros. Where the fuck is the money coming from for the 2nd string center at Kent State? There aren't 10,000 players earning $1000 of NIL money today, much less on track for 11,000 players to earn $1M+ NIL. It is mindblowing to me that anyone believes this. It's not even in the same universe of possibility as what is actually happening.
  5. Won't stop you from telling us how much you won't watch Sandy though, will it? https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/search/?&q=sandy&type=forums_topic&quick=1&item=11012&author=RPM&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  6. Thank god you're back, @Rex Kramer. We were running low on cunts around here.
  7. More annoying is the incel thread monitor who loses his shit and berates posters over the most minor coloring outside the lines.
  8. You bring shame upon us. Lazybones. Do better.
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