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  1. Such a great design. The new one will grow on me but this was great.
  2. Texags did a doc on his recruiting
  3. The Money Guys are good but I feel like use it to sell their AUM but less militant than Dave Ramsey. White coat investor is good even if not a doctor. He can get pretty advanced but overall good advice.
  4. Lot of ways to breakdown the outcome but these are some of them.
  5. If I was CDC I would tell Sankey to fuck off or I join the big 10
  6. I was team water bottle the moment it happened. People need to lighten up. I mean they serve alcohol to students and get mad when people get unruly to make alcohol sales money. If they were serious they would ban that. Jesus Christ. CDC grow a pair snd stand up for the students.
  7. Smartest thing the students did all night
  8. Haha I met those guys at the DFW airport. Buttons doing a lot work on those blazers. What fucking job is that.
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