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Everything posted by EastHorn

  1. Fuck you aflac
  2. 4 down territory for us
  3. Jesus Christ they treat Harbaugh like he is a political prisoner.
  4. I think people tend to lump sustainability, carbon neutralization, and recycling into one category. I think as a society we need to prioritize carbon emissions first before we reach a point of no return (we may have already). This is why EV's based on carbon and emission production (yes including lifecycle and build) is a plus.
  5. Tell him do what you love, then you never work a day in your life.
  6. Put in Manning, let him throw some bombs.
  7. Bright side is that it was like a punt?
  8. I really like this marry rich idea. Just remember there is a difference between a girl whose dad owns the jet and one whose dad leases the jet. You want the one whose dad owns it. Hope this helps CHIEF.
  9. I wonder what the helmet is for the blind qb
  10. A little Red time
  11. At least their QB is worse than our's
  12. Yea it's insane with all the commercials they think the time slots would still be the same this year.
  13. I've heard houston is a bikeable city.
  14. Odd. They look mostly to be whites and mexicans
  15. I agree. Alabama (to me) never looks like spitting mad on the sideline but executes at a high level since Saban has been on a roll. Texas needs to get to that level.
  16. It’s clear that OU ear marked this game the way Texas ear marked the Alabama game. I don’t know that I would use that to say the whole program is soft.
  17. Plus the chicks in that group are fat.
  18. Having the shits in a Cotton Bowl bathroom is a nightmare of mine so I stick to the basics.
  19. I think we're losing sight of what's important. Even if CU loses these games, ski season starts near the end of that schedule to save us all.
  20. I'm a Texas homer (and alumnus) but whenever I walk around the Duke campus it makes Texas or UNC feel like a dump.
  21. If it's bike shop they say the key to success making a million dollars on a bike shop is to start out with 2 million dollars.
  22. Where do I find the black Texas hoodie Sark rocks in the press conferences.
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