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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. watching Sonny Lubick with Bradlee Van Pelt tear shit up in the early 2000s was fantastic.
  2. gotdammit inchworm. look what you've done now.
  3. has the site always had a vestigial tail? 🤔
  4. you need to put on your aggy semen rusted propeller hat to translate this to "del conte is really fucking good at his job so he absolutely must be the biggest, stupidest shithead in college athletics...caneck...caneck...hurrrrdurr"
  5. this was the first year since the MBTF era that there was zero movement of seats in my section and the two surrounding sections during seat selection. was planning to add another pair to get to six, but nope.
  6. house is personalized as fuck. good luck selling that thing.
  7. you should have never upgraded from mosaic. we warned you.
  8. idmas. Texas will beat the shit out of the next two opponents.
  9. weird. https shouldn't be an issue with curl. is the url in quotes? maybe test with --verbose/--trace flags?
  10. have you ever considered running for city council?
  11. almost 3 inches...in the garage.
  12. and then you arrive at the realization that those 20%'ers make up 80% of their fan base.
  13. anyone else get a sudden hankering for grackle on a stick?
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