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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. constantly covering shit up is a 35+ fte job.
  2. i'm daniel figurelli and i approve this message
  3. ^ i didn't realize the trailer for american psycho 3 had been released
  4. when a show is filming a scene in an automobile and they are flipping back and forth from the front seat to the back seat, they typically take out the headrests. obviously they are doing this to remove any obstructions in the shot, but i'll be damned if it doesn't annoy me for some unknown reason.
  5. hahaha...haven't seen this video in ages.
  6. i did a lot of stupid shit as a teenager that i still don't understand. lucky to be alive is only one way to put it.
  7. protip - don't swim in pools with fatass tax paying santa fe apartment mogul-wannabe neighbors
  8. figured their current coach was enough punishment.
  9. fuck, those eyes are freaking me out. couldn't last past 20 secs. but, yeah, culture is always dying...and evolving. musicians have always stolen from the past. his "woke" message has also been repacked over and over throughout the years. congrats on your discovery?
  10. liquid smoke and a microwave. nobody will notice the difference.
  11. bandera is full of a buncha uppity bitches. that's all i got.
  12. section 8, row 14? pretty sure that's where a murder occured in '16. make sure you understand the unwritten stand/sit precepts.
  13. oh dear god, what was that miley cyrus shit? i had to cleanse my mind with san junipero after watching her.
  14. paging @aggypedia...please come to the burnt orange courtesy phone.
  15. that's badass. how do i become a citizen of your country?
  16. ^ enough said
  17. you're gonna need a bigger boat
  18. hah. fuck no. just b/c a kid figures out he can twiddle his diddle doesn't make that era idyllic.
  19. fucking undefeated
  20. district looks good, but $52 for their ribeye? that better be a damn good ribeye.
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