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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The University

  1. back in 88 or so, i made a custom cult t-shirt and wore it to school. one of the vice principals freaked the fuck out, pulled me aside, and wanted to know why i was worshipping the devil and who else was involved. i laughed my ass off for a bit, reached into my backpack and showed him the cassette. he looked at it for a few seconds and then quietly wandered off.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sandman said:

    I tried a similar tactic and every dealer I contacted told me they couldn't talk about price or anything unless I was willing to come in person and talk to them. Perhaps they've grown tired of this game, I don't know. I told them I wasn't coming down to fuck around, that I wanted to buy a car today and they still didn't budge. I did not buy a car.

    weird. i've had people lie to me about emailing a better deal/quote (fuck you john eagle) so that they could stall another purchase, but most dealers were willing to at least give me an offer over the phone. if it matters, i was only looking at cars they had in stock.

  3. when he picked braxton for the final two, i knew right then and there it was over for ricky. i imagine he knew this too, for whatever reason. like i mentioned earlier, that's basically par for ricky.

    it was pretty cool to see his wife rush the stage, however.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Another reason: we leave our 12 and 9 year olds home for short stretches and they need a phone to call us if something comes up. Our kids don’t have cell phones but are perfectly fine home alone for a couple hours.


    we use a gizmo gadget for this functionality. basically it's a no-frills watch that allows them to text and call certain numbers. the watch is about $150 and the service is $5/mth.

  5. On 11/15/2018 at 7:28 AM, utee94 said:

    I got the "mo hot" I think, and the last time it definitely had some powder.  Powder?  Cue the surly cocaine mob in 3...2...1...

    It was a little off-putting, I didn't experience that the first couple times. Still need to try the sammich, tho...

    if you ask for extra "sauce" on the side, it is a powder.

    still alright if it's cooked properly.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    What service are people using for imaging hosting when posting pics these days? I have some stull I have been working that that I want to post, but since the switch I haven't gotten a clear answer which services works and which do not work on this platform. 

    imgbb works for me

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