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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. cunnilingus and psychiatry brought this to them
  2. TiVo To Bring Live Television and DVR Recordings to Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV if you already have a tivo roamio/bolt, this is great news. about time.
  3. https://www.engadget.com/2019/01/09/ota-dvr-scribe-duo-hdhomerun-ces-2019/
  4. for ota dvr, i'm still using a tivo roamio. bought it for about $300 when it also included the lifetime service. the roamio ota dvr is top notch, as far as i can tell. the only thing that i wish tivo would do is encourage the development of more apps. if the tivo died and i couldn't resurrect it with a new drive, i'd probably look at tablo.
  5. so it looks like we're going to overtime? 😂
  6. dumbass dog handler should have thought twice.
  7. bevo was ready to stomp the fuck out of uga. 🤘
  8. since torchy's has exploded to multiple cities, they've been mailing it in the past few years
  9. if i was jake, i wouldn't be indirectly calling out the longhorn defense.
  10. has anyone watched the interactive version of bandersnatch yet?
  11. a tree trimming company told me that a large cedar on a residential lot would need approval from the city of austin before cutting it down. wtf, is this true? it's big but not listed as a "heritage" tree afaik.
  12. the columbus times has confirmed that zach just purchased a new box of crayons. have at it, kid.
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