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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. nice job 🌈
  2. hahahawaii?
  3. same here. didn't realize how useful this was until it stopped working. also, on mobile, the first page is so full of unnecessary tabs/options that you have to scroll down the entire page to get to the first topic. except for the reply format, the simple design for recent topics on ycombinator's hacker news is perfect.
  4. directvnow also
  5. noticed a few pink spray paint markings today. maybe they were identifying weeds.
  6. ...which is excellent training for the nfl
  7. noticed that apd csi was at lakewood/360 about ten minutes ago. a helicopter was also circling in that area. i dunno. could be jimmy hoffa.
  8. that's not scraping the barrel, it's digging through the floor for dead termites. holy moly.
  9. impressive. ernie broke that elderly dude's ankles from across the court (background at ~0:34)
  10. that's a fantastic yard for pissing
  11. why can't we just take out a loan from the academic side and never pay it back?
  12. intuitively, they were probably stealing and selling other art/whatevs but figured there was no way they could sell that painting without attracting attention. or batshit crazy larcenists.
  13. buncha cheap soda noobs with no game up in here. *cough* *cough*
  14. my phone is now blipblopping notifications. oh, the humanity...
  15. isn't that already the case? 🤔
  16. in the past, a lot of those tickets were given to the on campus and other related big shots. if you knew someone in the president's office, it wasn't too difficult to score a few.
  17. https://www.statesman.com/news/local/breaking-authorities-responding-police-shooting-northwest-austin/n1gWTgrT95w0KJnbemGsAI/
  18. happy scrappy hero pup
  19. sweet edit... and hook'em!
  20. my recommendation is that the city's name should change every 5 years and the name selected will be the fill-in name on the most ballots. all special characters, emoticons, and emoji are also valid on the ballot. ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ...currently has my vote
  21. props to friendster and their long game
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