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Happy Gilmore

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Everything posted by Happy Gilmore

  1. If Urban ultimately ends up being a no. Then Campbell, Traylor (Fuck it why not), or Fickell should be next. No Cristobal, fuck no to Franklin and Sark. If CDC tries to vouch for any of those two he should be laughed at and canned.
  2. Yep that's what the whole 9.95 thing was tonight. IT broke it first, FCB then ran something similar. Then Fat sketch through in his thoughts. Couple hours later, Fat Ketch says it's over, FCB essentially says the same thing. Then Itt says it's not over and people from Texas are gonna keep pushing 10 mins later. AAS ran with what FCB posted. It's alll one big clusterfuck. Not surprised at all.
  3. Yeah but unfortunately the bottom of his 6th frostie doesn't count as a source. Ketch knows nothing, FCB knows nothing, IT knows nothing.
  4. Ahh the ol Nick Saban/Bama approach. Make him say no until he finally accepts. Or blocks you out. Unfortunately don't think the admin has the nutsack to keep asking to reach that point. They'll fold eventually.
  5. Thank God we have Kurt on the case. Not sure what we'd do without him
  6. Tanned and rested for Urban's Fox gig. Urbans the next HC until proven otherwise. Everything tonight was fodder. We won't know anything definitive probably for the next week. If not we'll fuck me and fuck you too cause we're fucked for the foreseeable future. But it's nothing to beat ourselves up over. Life goes on and we'll be good again. One day
  7. Checking out RGL's Twitter I came across this little exchange. Interesting since you think he'd be gloating by now. But seems to think it's still all up in the air.
  8. Im passed that lol I just don't give a fuck anymore
  9. This. His source is what he read on IT and claiming a university source told him.
  10. Chip hears alot of things, but mainly it's just voices inside of his head
  11. Thing is they don't give a fuck about their rep when they know their subs will eat up any bs they feed. As long as they play along the lines of anything in the realm of possibility of course.
  12. They all are. Noone knows shit. Hence why people were following RGL, A Squid, and some guy named Ceddy B. Their guess is just as good as anyone else's
  13. Welp that's it, looks like I got a squid to hunt down. See you boys later
  14. Colt is severely underrated, dude is just a flat out winner. Everytime he's called upon he delivers. That time in Cleveland destroyed his rep. I don't he would've ever had an MVP season but he would've been solid given a legit chance. Similar career to Romo.
  15. I'm with you, I'll be pissed if its not UM. But, I'll be willing to give CDC the benefit of the doubt.
  16. RGL has been consistent since October
  17. You got the first name right. But it's Bill Parcells
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