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Happy Gilmore

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Everything posted by Happy Gilmore

  1. I didn't want him when Mack got canned, and certainly don't want him now. Just haven't been impressed with him at all.
  2. CDC can hit the bricks if it's Franklin
  3. You come for derpy's head you best not miss.
  4. Must've been one glorious fucking tent.
  5. SIAP. Even though Clay Travis is an asshat, he said today it's very likely Urban ends up at Texas. A little interesting since he's tied into Fox Sports. Still take it with a huge grain of salt considering who we're talking about
  6. Kirk is a dumbfuck for actually believing it. What loyalty does he think Urban owes to him? Just because he wears their clothing? It's been said this decision won't be leaked via Twitter. If it was Tebow saying this then I may slightly believe it. But Kirk is a fucking nobody at the end of the day. Or RapGameLarry is about to make it that way
  7. Mines been cooked for awhile. It ain't to bad.
  8. May get some Florida peeps to help push Meyer this way as well to keep us from potentially poaching Mullen.
  9. Scenario 2 is not fucking happening. In any fathom of the imagination it does. CDC isn't the guy. His job should be in jeopardy as well. But it doesn't fucking matter cause Urban will be the next coach.
  10. Jeff Fucking Fisher huh lol That'd be a huge middle finger to us and we'd never see VY again.
  11. Does it really need to be explained to you as to why thats a terrible idea? The answer is in your own post.
  12. Kirk is about to get out sourced by RapGameLarry and a fucking squid. Couldn't ask for a better ending.
  13. If he can't discuss it, then 1. There's been no answer given as reported by pretty much everyone besides that retard at Fuckeye scoop. 2 it's a yes and he can't go into the details until it's announced.
  14. Looking more like Buckeye Scoop is the equivalent of OB and Kirk is their Fat Ketch
  15. Kirk's tears are gonna be the most delicious tears of all.
  16. Hi Nate Scott, Why don't you hop in the fucking thunderdome pussy.
  17. We have Jesus on our side. Nothing but up from here!
  18. That was Texans7, Alumni wouldn't go that far but said things were looking better than Tuesday.
  19. From Zach Smith to Pete Thamel. He sure likes to surround himself with a bunch of mouth breathers.
  20. Just tell'em your name is futureman and the well being of your asshole is at stake. I'm sure they'll understand
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