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Happy Gilmore

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Everything posted by Happy Gilmore

  1. People are freaking out over Ewers dad following tOSU coaches and Burton getting 1 CB to tOSU. Not sure if that's what Db is referring to but what I've picked up on just from scouring other boards.
  2. Well it won't be Herman's system. I do think it'll be Thompson though, he's got wheels and can spin it.
  3. I've watched a few videos recently and he's been tryin to be unbiased but reverts course and goes back to being a dumbass. He's a mod on their 24/7 site to I believe.
  4. The Voltards have been screaming the past two weeks to fire Pruitt and hire Urban. That's like 6 projects and Meyer would more than likely die before Spring Practice.
  5. Pretty big assumption that Herman even has a game plan. Typical of him just to go in and throw shit against the wall to see what works.
  6. Easy there Tom. Enjoy every win like it's your last at Texas. Cause it might just be.
  7. Yep Baylor would've been perfect world but seems they're just a little more shitty than we are.
  8. Aranda and Herman are both pulling their pants down and taking a shit in front of both fan bases.
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