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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. To release GJT you would have to prove the benefits of disclosure outweighs the consequences. Don't think that works here. But FWIW, I don't really a give a shit what they release.
  2. Well, we know there is no evidence in the grand jury testimony because of the findings in the report. To say otherwise is to say, Mueller ignored evidence. Of course, the Dems are acting in bad faith and that is obvious because of the findings by Mueller which left no wiggle room. Speaking of Clinton, hopefully, she lives long enough to get what she deserves.
  3. The only reason they want it released is to create an opportunity to claim it "creates more questions than answers". Dems will then dig up someone to testify as they did with Kavanaugh. Then on and on with the idea to stretch it out until 2020. Grand Jury testimony can't be released although the Dems will gloss over that when they find what is given out is not the "full report". So predictable.
  4. Now, what was it barking?
  5. Mine too. I mentioned this before. She played Alia Atreides as a child:
  6. Wait until he hops on your back.
  7. Oh, I don't really give a shit.
  8. I am a simple asshole, no doubt, but seriously, how long are you guys going to keep fucking this chicken? lol. I mean are you guys ever going it to give it a fucking break? Just start a "how trump fucked me" thread in Lulz section.
  9. I betcha, a dollar, that he knows wtf a deductible is.
  10. It would go up over time. That goes up without saying. He is saying that a 21 year old kid doesn't use much insurance and by restructuring how healthcare is provided and paid for he ensures the solvency of the system. However, there will not be any disease in 50 years so fuck it.
  11. He meant Medicare would take care of them when they retired. JFC, the hate is strong.
  12. Apparently so or how else could I understand you?
  13. It was clear to me that he was speaking to the deductible associated with insurance coverage. The 7k figure meant the first 7k was out of pocket.
  14. Guess the '90s is the sweet spot in music for Surly.
  15. i have that Mirror Ball CD. A couple of really good songs on there. Problem is the recording was so poorly done. These two are my favorites, but again poor recording.
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