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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Theirs was worse than ND. https://clemsontigers.com/sports/football/schedule/season/2018/table/
  2. SEC Network is having a pretty good pregame.
  3. SEC officials. That is how the game is called in the SEC.
  4. And have for some years now, except for Florida State.
  5. Different game with the smaller less talented players. But, let just agree to disagree.
  6. Too much wear and tear on the players. Costs fans too much to travel and other reasons but forget all that. Do you really want to watch 2-3 games with shitty teams?
  7. Well, they can't take that 5 point home victory over Vandy away.
  8. This is a prime example of why an 8 team playoff is not a good idea since it would likely result in 3-5 crappy teams like ND involved on a regular basis.
  9. I couldn't make it past the first 45 mins. Horrible.
  10. I was reading an article the other day about the falling price of marijuana. One guy went so far to say that conceivably it would be so cheap that it would be given away for free at bars in the way they now give away nuts and popcorn, etc.
  11. https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/11/17223728/apple-foundation-trilogy-isaac-asimov-tv-show-david-goyer-josh-friedman
  12. Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series.
  13. I tried Justified, but couldn't get past the first 30 minutes.
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