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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Back in the Northridge quake in 1994 there multiple instances of limbs being removed on the scene.
  2. Sort of missing the comments that came along with the negs on Shaggy.
  3. I love surfing. I love having fun.
  4. He needs to talk about his honeymoon in Moscow.
  5. That's why I told you to light the grill.
  6. Utee is right. This isn't paying players. This is allowing them to make money off of their playing. Big difference. This is the can of worms that I have been waiting to be opened for a number of years and this could be the end of college football as we have known it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marcedelman/2019/06/25/ncaa-cant-legally-ban-california-schools-for-allowing-athletes-to-profit-from-their-names-images-and-likenesses/amp/
  7. https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Saudi-official-says-Deal-of-Century-leads-to-full-Palestinian-statehood-593306
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