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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. I think the flight anxiety was speaking to the delay in getting her testimony.
  2. Republicans are too stupid to come up with a plan.
  3. http://www.tmz.com/2018/09/26/lawyers-brett-kavanaugh-christine-ford-hillary-clinton/
  4. Lawyers love to give away free shit to their clients.
  5. This information should have come out a lot sooner. GOP doesn't control supreme court sessions.
  6. They should have done it way before now. Dems are just hoping that they can get through Nov and win the senate. That is all this is.
  7. No law enforcement agency gave her the Polygraph tests. It was done by an ex fbi guy and consisted of only two questions. When he administered the polygraph exam, it consisted of just two questions: "Is any part of your statement false?" and "Did you make up any part of your statement?" Hanafin then ran the results of Ford's two "no" responses through three separate scoring algorithms, including one developed by Johns Hopkins University. All three algorithms concluded that Ford's responses did not indicate apparent deception, with one putting the probability that she was lying at .002 and another putting it at less than .02. http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/09/27/christine-blasey-ford-brett-kavanaugh-allegation-former-fbi-agent-accusers-polygraph-test
  8. Beach friends, encrypted texts. All is missing is Nicolas Cage.
  9. Counseling over housing "remodel". lol. Can we move this to the stupid shit that wives do or say thread.
  10. Its political suicide if they don't confirm him.
  11. Did I hurt your feelings? Congrats, you are the only neg I have ever given out.
  12. I agree. I think they are trying to keep it between the ditches since they have already decided to confirm Kavanaugh. Why don't they just let the lawyer do it? Fuck these senators.
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