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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. I stayed up more than once for 24-30 hours on LSD. Does that count as a shift?
  2. I lived in a small town in Mississippi for a couple of years and never locked the doors. One night some guy comes walking in shit faced beyond reason. When asked wtf, he just turned around and left. Even shut the door.
  3. I think you can order those from the internet. Order a stack. Fuck. https://www.google.com/search?q=free+out+of+jail+card&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBgPP1zrvdAhXPl-AKHRTQBsUQ_AUIESgE&biw=1993&bih=954#spd=10784952566755299497
  4. Worked 30 hours straight on a steelworking crew to retrofit an electric arc furnace to allow start-up according to schedule. Worked 32 hours straight more than once closing books.
  5. I would start here: http://www.cboe.com/ and this site which collaborates with the cboe. https://www.ivolatility.com/services.j Also here. https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/trading/options-strategies.php. I use interactive for my daily goal of lunch money, which is $10.
  6. The cars are shit. https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-silences-team-concerned-about-quality-issues-according-to-former-engineer-2018-7
  7. This is the Prez and COO and who must be calling the "shots". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwynne_Shotwell
  8. Nothing gives a boner like a machete held to the throat.
  9. Fuck defense. Alabama had the best ever two years ago and was beaten by Clemson. The offense has left the defense in the dust.
  10. Yes, I was referring to the visuals. The look that Jennifer Connely made.
  11. Dolemite


    Just trying to make up for you.
  12. The 2:23 mark makes the video for me.
  13. Dolemite


    Tesla cars are poorly made and the company is run like a whorehouse. I am thinking Musk must not have much to do with SpaceX. Doubt if the military would let them launch some of the stuff that they do if he was truly hands on. Really disappointed in Musk and I feel bad for him. He apparently has gone off the deep in and I wouldn't be surprised to see him overdose or him killing himself.
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