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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Thank you RayDog for your comments.
  2. Any comments would be appreciated. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en
  3. What do you think about living in Greece? Got this hot 24-year old (girl) wanting to take me with her. Basically, just say fuck it to the world. I hate to break her heart though. Odds ain't good. I am kinda leaning to going to Baja Cali, I like the Greecian time zone GMT+2 for the markets though. If you like Greece what city would you live in?
  4. A friend that I grew up with had his favorite prostitute arrested for burglary. He is sort of down about it. This happened 2 to 3 months ago and has been going with his 2nd/3rd string since. He really misses her. Me: How much is the Bail? Him: $5000 Me: Why don't you go bail her out and make her work it off. Him: Fuck that.
  5. I chose a female doc(off their website) in Encinitas just for that same experience.
  6. Sorry if already posted.
  7. Here is an article about CBD and drug tests. https://www.verywellhealth.com/cbd-oil-and-failing-drug-tests-4580277
  8. Niece of a friend had seizures until her father put her on CBD oil. No seizures since the treatment started around 2 years ago. This is who he buys his oil from: https://pluscbdoil.com/cbd-products/cbd-oil-capsules/pluscbd-oil-capsules/
  9. The technology that has been responsible for the thousands of ufo sightings that have been reported for decades.
  10. Maybe he is trying to give the students a reason to hang around until the end of the game.
  11. Sorry if already asked but did Raydog make it here?
  12. Two buddies of mine who went to this place said you can eat all want and not get sick. http://charlisangels.com/
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