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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Lmao, did I just hear what I thought I heard?
  2. Jesse grew up outside of Montgomery, Alabama picking cotton as a kid. Jessie is color blind like we all should be and Jesse believes love cures all, which it does. Watch 4-5 hours of his stuff as I have and you will be amazed. If you want to stick with Malcolm X, who only spoke of hate then, well good luck and this is for you:
  3. He has a bunch of videos. I met him on a flight from Montgomery to Atlanta some years ago. Very nice guy. Random video. As said, he has many.
  4. Trump's 'Space Force' Could Launch a $1 Trillion Industry, Morgan Stanley Says https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/trump-space-force-could-create-1-billion-dollar-industry-14630827
  5. If you go again go a few miles south to Rosarito. Nicer.
  6. Presidents come and go and no need to them everything. https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-security-clearance-above-the-President Eisenhower ran into it too. Listen to how he planned on handling it. TL;DR version: Either tell me what is going on or I will send the 1st Army from Colorado down there and "rip that place a part"
  7. North Georgia is good. Canton area. Outside of Huntsville, Alabama is nice. East Tennesse around Johnson City TN is good. Outside of Bham east is Pell City. Nice.
  8. I ate there 3-4 times a week in Encinitas. Its fun to be a Gangsta.
  9. Oh and btw, those polls are bullshit about GOP voters not wanting a woman president.
  10. Presidents don't have the security clearances to be told about what and who is behind the military ufo's that we have been seeing for decades. Nor are they allowed to know anything about the dealings we have with Exterreristials. So in typical Trump fashion, he is saying. Ok, fuck you. Don't tell me. I will put so much shit in space that will have so much contact with those motherfuckers that their existence will be undeniable. And oh, once everyone sees the undoctored pictures of the lunar bases on the Moon then everyone will know the truth. Security clearance my ass! Amirite?
  11. If Trumps fixes everything he may not see a need to run in 2020 and Haley will likely be on the ticket.
  12. Hoping TSA ain't paying attention when I come back from Cali in two weeks.
  13. Need a motto first. How about: "We on strike cuz, there is a hell of a lot of things we don't like." ?????
  14. Could just strike on weekends until football season starts.
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