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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Assad has to be shittin' in his britches.
  2. Russia says they will shoot down missiles. Trump says fuck you.
  3. http://reason.com/blog/2018/04/13/trump-announces-unprecedented-support-fo
  4. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-12/hedge-fund-bets-10-million-it-knows-location-amazons-hq2
  5. Went to a meeting with a bunch of large companies finance guys. Small 3 day meeting with large companies represented. They thought DC made the most sense. None of them wanted it in their cities because of the effect it would have on the local labor force.
  6. Senate grilling FaceBook while the intelligence agencies spies on us all.
  7. 99 problems but a trainload of shit ain't one.
  8. Ate more mushrooms than any human should and laughed my ass off all PM at his grave in Montgomery. Skeeter bites all over the next day. Gave me the blues.
  9. It works. Take with two grams of Fish Oil per day.
  10. I wish I had known it existed.
  11. Grew up with Tommy Shaw Worked with Billy Paine who brought Olympics to Atlanta Been to Chipper Jones's house Tom Delonge (Blink 182) was at my house Met Don Barnes (38 special) at a bar and bullshitted Met Robinson who use to coach USC football. Met at neighbors house. Met Bear Bryant Met Beyonce on a beach in Mexico. Met Jerry Tarkanian in a bar in Dallas. Lived next door to Tom Lehman's SoCal house. Met him. Kids played in the pool until they had theirs finished. Met Kenny Rodgers at the Lefont Movie Theatre in Sandy Springs. It was old 30 years ago. Sort of an institution. Some stupid movie (aren't they all?) Met Richard Todd who use to be the QB at Alabama and NY Jets. Met Indigo Girls at Atlanta Airport. Met Lyle Lovett at San Diego Airport
  12. I have these all over the house. No worries, in the 30328.
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