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Everything posted by Dolemite

  1. Since we are close to finding the genes responsible for IQ then the technology to raise IQ is not far behind. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/610339/dna-tests-for-iq-are-coming-but-it-might-not-be-smart-to-take-one/
  2. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/reichs.cfm
  3. I have noticed that too. I think it is interesting that Musk and Bezos and others are putting so much effort into space when the technology is still lacking. My guess is that they are aware of technology not yet in the public domain that they will be able to take advantage of in the relatively near future, once the government allows some of it to come out and they plan on taking advantage of it before anyone else due to the development of their organizational capabilities. Sort of like building an interstate in 1930 would have been seen.
  4. This is what I meant to post as the second video: Still learning how to edit posts.
  5. I mentioned Jordan Peterson on the old site. The more I listen to him the more impressed I am. Try watching a few of his lectures on depression.
  6. I have always had Motorola. My Droid is 3 years ago but still works fine. This just came out. Tempting. https://www.androidcentral.com/new-leak-shows-moto-g6-g6-plus-and-g6-play-all-their-glory
  7. Can't we all just get along?
  8. I saw him at the Knitting Factory in LA in 2003. I thought he would become big, but he never did.
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