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  1. Sorry for the old joke, but it rolled out and I apologize.
  2. But what does your Mom have to say about it?
  3. With Gideon leaving, can we money lure a former Horn DB to take the legacy lead? I want Huff! But there is a whole gang I would be thrilled to have on the 40.
  4. In Sark I trust. We are coming back!
  5. Let’s introduce these hillbilly pcats to some Western Hospitality! smash’em Horns!🤘
  6. So i have been to Rose Bowls and we haz Quarterback who you will remember what he did to you. Unstoppable!🤘Saturday you will meet another and he will enjoy playing in your big house!
  7. Poor Aggie! Poor Aggie! Now I want to hear, “I want my Mommy…”
  8. Did Blue just get hurt?
  9. You know this is Surly and it is all about the ass!
  10. I remember back in the old school years when all we had were fullbacks and we ran the power I with big Gene Chilton the coke Machine!
  11. Heal fast and come back stronger! 🤘
  12. I am here for the Victory Pron! post it up🤘
  13. Undefeated! The Sec can bite my longhorn ass as we put the horns to them!🤘
  14. With the Sark Effect! And Magic!🤘
  15. Back in 1978 i was the senior party security bouncer for a party at the Barn on 2222. It was my senior year in high school, and I was known as a bit of a kung fu guy as I had flipped Rudy Gonzales during our PT football scrimmage after he attacked me. And I bluffed that rep to where I was Security for the band at the Barn. Me I was just an athletic rockclimber with no fight training. we had this pool ball that my buddy had lifted years ago from the Hole In The Wall and it was our Power Ball! We would play ball bouncing at the Capitol and all the late night properties, hand ball with a pool ball is a game! well these UT Frats stole the ball from us as we bounced it at the Barn. It led to a fight between me and Jake M. Who last year was the starting nose guard of my high schools football team. He out weighed me by a 100 pounds, 170 vs 270. I saw the ball and assaulted the punk frat who had it and was immediately engaged in combat with Monzingo. He grabbed my jacket and spun me around. I immediately shed jacket and shirt and went all like kung fu. He swung a huge roundhouse which I tried to block and crushed me. I knew I couldn’t stand so I went WWF on him and body slammed him in a crotch shoulder take down and tried to hold him. But my grip was overpowered so I released and went limp. The crowd intervened and pulled us apart so I survived. My friends retrieved the ball, but my ass was kicked. never fight a lineman!🤘Jeff, best wishes, you won
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