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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. We did some climbs on Jester back in the late 70’s. On the wall by the driveway leading to the basement there were two routes, The Amputee Crack which was a 25 foot thin 5.11 finger crack, and the Cripple Direct, a 5.10 face route that climbed the pattern of angled bricks that is part of the Jester Brick Art. Sadly they installed a large solid wast bin that was fed waste directly from the cafeteria. So Fuck Jester! We also summited both towers by way of the stem-chimneys to the top. Both ascents were terrorizing with no pro or ropes, and having to climb down after summiting. Done only once due to nightmares. I think all dorm residing undergrads should live underground! Tear Jester down and replace it with something cool and fun!🤘
  2. Dig a big hole and move Jester under ground. Students don’t need windows! Use technology. Jester has always been the pits, just put it all underground and build nice things above it
  3. Justice will be delivered!🤘
  4. Already posted above. Please read at least the page before thread littering.
  5. I still think the elevated mushrooms, fields above the ground is the only solution! Build platforms elevated above a single shaft, holding a whole playing field. One for football, one for soccer, one for baseball and softball. As they are practice facilities, there is no need for stands, etc. put player parking and green space beneath them around the central shaft. Build offices and weight rooms below ground as part of the foundation. Have retractable domes to make them all weather, and make them glow in the night to fit the Austin groovy vibe! Solves the compact campus issue and allows us to expand vertically in a really cool artistic way. And they could glow and pulse burnt Orange at night to add to the party vibe of Austin!
  6. Ricky Williams? He had a pro baseball contract so he wasn’t on scholi? Is that a walk on?
  7. Make us some fast babies!🤘
  8. Four of the best NFL games I have watched in ages!
  9. Everyday a fraction stronger, everyday a fraction faster, everyday more committed.🤘
  10. 😢❤️🤘
  11. In the famous words of Bill Caraway of the Sex Bazookas, “Fat lab rub no bone!”
  12. 😢🤘RIP.
  13. Came late but reenforce this ! Fuck OUSUXS!
  14. I haz torn hates for both VT and Maryland. Both treated my Horns in unfriendly manner, but my hate for VT goes back to a bowl game that was the start of a rough year for me. So I haz Longhorn Hate again VT. While I have lived in Maryland as a child and it treated me kindly, I will attribute my resentments to Herman. fuck VT go Maryland!
  15. Decades, and PoleAssasin will be. Grandma!
  16. I thank Casey for his time as a Longhorn. I was glad that a son of a Sooner came and played for Texas. I also don’t think that he was ever Sarks’s guy. If we are going to have a real Sark Machine, we need to have Sark’s QB driving it. I wish Casey good success in the future and I hope he plays again and does well. I wish him the best, but, ”Well Bye” gif
  17. And my older bro went to Tceh. I used to trave through Lubcrack 4 to 8 times a year since the ‘70s. I guess if you like flat and cow shit. Rumors of high STD rate I haz no first hand, but yeah.
  18. Why would he want to live in that stankhole STD invested stockyard? Yes it’s better than Columbus, but if you can write your own ticked, Lubcrack is not what I would choose. Just saying.
  19. If you be Aggie nothin is unpossible!
  20. Nah they are posting that they should be 4th! After all they beat Bama!
  21. Saban is an artist. He gently bends his opponent over, probs and then slowly slides it in. And there you are Fucked in the ass and there is nothing you can do because it’s too late.
  22. Future towel wiper. He is goina has issues! Shower friendly shoes!
  23. I hate all thingsND Irish! BK is a Weyl faced fat fuck who is going to blow up to Mangino standards eating cajin food and French sauce! 3 years he is going to need to use the shower and towels to wipe his ass after taking his morning shit. I will look forward to playing my Horns against him!🤘. Avoid the showers!
  24. I think the right way is to be fired on the tarmac and left behind as the team flies home!
  25. Retention of talent like Bijan and Worthy, willingness to cut trash and call it like it is, and a willingness to build us something that wrecks shit. Or maybe I just sense he is doing the right things and all the bitchasses need to realize that they are the problem and shut the fuck up!?
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