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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. No but their sister wives can sure handle their student section!
  2. Hahahahaha, but wish Georgia could lose too.
  3. Loooose! Blow whistle and looooooooooooose
  4. So, we have time for both of them to lose?
  5. I support this post and the spirit it represents!
  6. What did my eyes just see? Were he smufans doing a simulated line jack? confused
  7. “I’m a Man!” What Mullet’s wife says as she goes after him with her strap on!
  8. I haz much dislike for Notre Damns. Wish we could beat both at the same time!
  9. I was just pulling a number out of my ass. I just know when we play the okiepokes it is always Cray.
  10. I don’t know? Over under of 42? First half head in ass, running around like headless chickens? Second half head ass ectoplasm 49-42 spasms. Shit this is OUSUXs Light! Just because they suc we should haz our panty grippers on! Fuck! Just saying.
  11. Shit I need us to score 15 more points! put the starters back in!
  12. Looks the same before and after, but better than..Rice! Rice! Rice Rice Rice!
  13. Shit I am out on Canyon Lake and it’s stuff for olds and goat rodeos
  14. Most ads are regional. So the demo is about you and where you live. Just sayin
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