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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. Here and ready! Hook’em Horns! Stay healthy!!!🀘
  2. Georgia at DKR🀘
  3. Good is not the question I asked.🀘
  4. Jeffrey McCulloch got some TV time today with a sideline interview and they highlighted his business which was cool. Made me wonder who else amongst the Horn family was playing in the USFL?
  5. Edwin Simmons was a freak and would have been great if he could have stayed healthy and out of backyards. He was a long strider and looked like a man amongst boys in his first season. I remember when I first saw him touch the ball, he took a kickoff to the endzone.
  6. And here I was hoping for some Freak Nasty stories!
  7. Wasn’t that the bad softporn beach flick? No that was Hard Bodies! so confused by koolaid
  8. So, … does this psycho bitch meme or whata evers give me permission to just say? FUCK CHIP BROWN?
  9. Its been a winning hat! I wore it at The 2006 Rose Bowl, and when Dawson made that kick against the wind, and every game I have been to for decades. Yeah, I am due a new hat and I am thrilled to find one that fits! 🀘
  10. My old Longhorn hat is finally wearing out. I have a large, hard to fit head, and I bought my old fitted hat at the DKR store decades ago. Saw this and gave it a try and it fits me perfect! 1 TEXAS LONGHORNS CLASSIC '47 FRANCHISE2X / BURNT ORANGE / A
  11. When you said #2, I thought you meant a big huge smelly dump of shite! Actually that is what it is…
  12. Fuck Oklahoma! OU SUXS!🀘
  13. The Bugaboos are a fantastic climbing mountain group in Western British Columbia. I topped 4 summits back in the summer of 1990. Brilliant routes on superb granite on spires thrust vertically out of huge glaciers. Really a beautiful place. Maybe this is what he was talking about?
  14. Horns Up to a great opponent! 😒 🀘🀘🀘🀘🀘🀘🀘
  15. 😒😒😭😒😒🀘
  16. While I know jackshite, and wish the Beards would kiss makeup and have some goodsβ€¦πŸ˜’ If he is fired I would hope we might bring in some alumni coaches to move us pass. TJ Ford? Lance Blanks? Bring back the BMW machine and run the 3s and the Jump-Stop. 🀘
  17. So you are saying he killed the 5 Five, five hookers instead? makes sense to me!
  18. Smashmouth battle so far. Some hard hitting. Go Navy!
  19. My bad, i was hoping to have him for a couple more seasons!
  20. Machete!🀘
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