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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. He was a holey terror off the end with a Dunlop and bad weight. He has remade his body. Put on power weight and kill QBs and the future is bright!
  2. Red shirt, power chunk the fuck up and be a DE next year! NFL Big $$$ and dead QBs!
  3. We might have issue with Coach Patato but I like beating USC and I am ok now. Bevo BLVD and stuff might make me buy tickets again. Hook’em FUCKING HORNS and beat the ever living shit out of toad!
  4. I would have the Corches show 2 players, CJ and LJH some film of that Iowa State 6’6” WR and his 2 50+yard Catches an runs to the house. We need more explosive plays on O, and more Defensive scores!
  5. Lets run slow, OK, slow for the wins
  6. I just love whaat we did to him back in Houston in the B12!
  7. The weather radars are positive for no Pizza! Fuckem up Horns!
  8. Playing the Trojans, to wins you need a horse. Who is our Horse. I want Collin or LJH.
  9. They see a Ginger and they start doing stupid shit!
  10. I think those thoughts need to be preempted by Corch. He needs to come up with the winning Pizza Play! I say Miltos. I could go for some Miltos Stromboli right about now! With all the meat! And we can use the Greek influence to get out players to FUCK THE TROJANS UP THEIR ASSES!
  11. If we send Beck out for the pizza he can’t fuck up the play calling!
  12. With the expected rain delay, where should Coach Potato send Beck to get pizza from?
  13. So, mine, 17-23 Texas happens this way: 3 Touchdowns, one defensive and a safety with LJH getting one and Collin Johnson getting the second on O. USC will score 2 touchdowns on defensive breakdowns and long plays then get a late field goal.
  14. But Vic, Sunday Night Football sucks so much ass! Mine Got!
  15. MNF is supposed to be featuring the best... This is ass. Think I need to go back and look at that avatar
  16. This is painful to listen to much less watch. So un MNF and it has been so long and they shovel up this shit fest?
  17. Beck gives potato a reach around and some more packs of gum?
  18. Like she said. “Buried deep!” If I could be ears deep in that I would not even hear Beth mowling screech.
  19. Can you help us out and post a full of your avatar? It would help
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