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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. We showed up at about 8;00 am and parked on the golf course near the 9th hole and started gitting our game on. After all you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning. We tailgated with some really friendly USC folks and got hugged on my some of the most beautiful women I have ever put my hands on. Tit and ass petting, etc. Bought souvenirs and were in line with “Da Fonz”. And man he is really short. Tailgated with these other USC folks who were handing out free malt drinks that were way too sweet, but one of my friends really liked them and was just getting hammered. We were so drunk by the time we went to our seats... I was using my trusty camelback blatter and hose program and had a quart of Crown in my pants. THe valve leaked and I had Crown all down my jeans. I was worried that I was going to get busted so I poured beer on it to hide the whiskey smell. Yeah I was that drunk. Walked up to our gate and there was absolutely no security. I could have walked in with a handle in each hand. We were on about the 5 yard line up near where ESPN had their stage. We got everyone to start yelling “Herbstreet”. When ever he was talking and he even waved at us. You know, HEEEERRRRRB. STREEEEEEET! The game, heartattack drama for the whole thing. When Reggie tried to do the lateral. Then VINCE FUCKING YOUNG!!!! My friend who was drinking all the malt junk was sitting in a different part of the stadium. He vomited all over the folks in front of him and spent the second half passed out in our car. When we finally staggered out of the stadium we couldn’t find our car because we were only by the 7th hole not the 9th. We were frantically calling the guy who drove accusing him of leaving us... We found him and ol’Milky passed out and then went to the In and Out Burger and had the “Tell your Butt Puppet to shut the fuck up”. Moment. We were so hung over the next day flying out. Greatest game I ever went too! I also used the blatter program for the OU game. We had upped our LHF so we were under the deck with serious alumni. I pulled the hose out of my pocket and started squeezing my junk where the blatter was and this nice Milf looked over and said “Son just what are you doing?” I smile and she held up her coke for me to service. What a fucking season!!!
  2. Was at a and IN and Out Burger Joint trying to damp down our drucken post game fugue and some swag bitch started bitching about all the Texas fans and I walked up to her table and looked at her BF and told him that he need to tell is “Butt Puppet Girlfriend to shut the fuck up!” He just looked at me catfishing mouth opening and closing then the whole place burst out into the Eyes of Texas True story but I was pretty drunk at the time and well Vince Fucking Young and all.
  3. Well I double posted on RBs, talk to me about or RBs. What do we have in house, young, or transfer. We have to run. Run baby run! As an oldster Texas is RBU, not DBU as much as I love our sterling DBs. I have Jim Bertlsen’s signed hat, have shook Earls hand at McBrides when he was being fitted for custom shotguns and bought Ricky beers in Odessa when he was driving his first Ferrari to San Diego at a hotel bar in Odessa after his first contract with the Saints. I flew to his games in NO and saw Ditka flip off fans after he lost to the Browns. I want a back that you would give a whole draft for! Texaa to me is about who carries the ball, not who catches nor who throws. Texas is about great running backs! Run it down their throats football. And as a historical note, the backyard that Edwin Simmons was found naked was 2 blocks from where I grew up. I loved is up right running style. Too bad about his knees. And his TD kickoff return was God like. Simply jaw dropping to see in person.
  4. As much as I like QBs, I am more interested in a dominate running back. That is Texas Truth. Smash Mouth take it to the House Truth.
  5. As much as I like QBs, I am more interested in a dominate running back. That is Texas Truth. Smash Mouth take it to the House Truth.
  6. Oh and Beat the ever living shit out of OUSuxs. That is why we call Peter the “Great”!
  7. I have seen almost everyone of those QBs most in person but some only on TV, but I watched and I have to say that I loved them all. To be the Quarterback for the Texas Fucking Longhorns is a great thing and you each put your mark in the book and we do remember. Most of all we wish you to win. Keep your Horns UP and FUCKING WIN!
  8. Steve McMichael? An no I am not young. We have a new Bam Bam
  9. Can you say Donovan Forbes?
  10. Let’s see there was: Derp the Videographer Squints Concuss Diesiel Glassboy and Bam Bam
  11. Yeah, but I dont want to
  12. Well with out cheating the ones I remember: Marty Akins John Aune Mark McBath Randy McQuechern Donnie Little Rick McIvor Robert Brewer Peter Gardere Todd Dodge
  13. Such anti-Okiefuck hostility! We should thank them for without their massive suck America would fall apart! We should be thankful that OU Sucks so hugely that it stops contental drift! Oh and Fuck Arkiepig, the are like a leach sucking on a corner.
  14. Fuck Arkiepig with a thorny stick up the ass. I hate OUSuxs, I hate the fucking Irish, UCLA, etc. But pig has a special piece of my hate and it is eternal and forever!
  15. I was 9 years old and watched on TV with 5 of my elementary school friends. Myself and 2 of my friends were die hard Longhorns, my best friend was a Razorpig,, and the other 2 were Ohio State fans who rooted for Arkiepig. At halftime we went to and played football in my backyard and it turned into a fist fight brawl. Even us kids were totally involved in the drama of the game. My best friend Skipper left with a bloody nose and we were never close again. Randy Peschel came and spoke to my Cub Scout pack at Gullet and I got his autograph which I cherished, but lost over the years. It was the event that turned my blood Burnt Orange forever. That and being there when VY stunned USC. Hookem! Now I am the proud owner of the only Longhorn Hat that Jim Bertelsen ever autographed as I now live next to members of his extended family. His son Andy is a brilliant singer guitarist who has a band, The Texas Renegard that you should check out!
  16. My words for summer are: Just fuckng win Mother Fuckers! Kill, Kill, OU SUXS and Make them eat shit. I want a mean fucking team next year Tom. Make it fucking so! The Eyes are upon you and if you win we will sing all the day long but most of all if you crush OUSUXs, Slaughter the Irish some how, and Death to UCLA! Win them all and take fucking names! Just saying.
  17. Sodomy don’t bother me.
  18. Looks like a TE!
  19. Think he should be ass raped by the horns of a heard of angry rhinos! My rage over what he did at that game has not cooled. I wish Charlie had head butted him!
  20. I had 3 comments. 1) It is all about the game. Being able to see it, having a good opponent, and winning. 2) Quality and choice of beer is important. 3) Close San Jacinto on game day. No fucking parking. Turn it into a massive tailgate game day party zone. Also said I haz no monies and I haz sads and can’t buy shit like that.
  21. Maths? Maths? Just say no and drink some more koolaid!
  22. I hope you are not talking forearms.
  23. My take is LJH is a man! I bet you could line him up tight and ask him to block like a TE and he would put his defender on his ass. I love the man! No homo, well maybe a little.
  24. We all agree Oklahoma sucks, but we would rather it not burn. May the rain that woul fall on our Spring Game rain in Okieland instead.
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