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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. We all agree Oklahoma sucks, but we would rather it not burn. May the rain that woul fall on our Spring Game rain in Okieland instead.
  2. What? His Mama is two timing me? Damn that is cruel.
  3. Where are the Coop statues when we need them?
  4. I need pictures.
  5. I mean if we have a Pride of Fuck Lions living in Lofts? Oh the humanity. Just think of the womenz!
  6. Lofts, man, he said lofts?
  7. If I read more about Cargo Jorts without forearm reports, I am going to be mind boggled about all this shite. I need meat with my potato. I need to know mor! After all we are getting close to the big game!!!! Just win baby! You can wear what you want when we win! I say we win a week from Saturday! And we win out from there. The gallons of burnt orange I have drunk should have made me look like Trump. Instead I look like a desecrated desert goat. Dry and dusty.. I want some Heradura Victory juice in my koolaid! I want my horns back. Just saying. Fuck the whiners, fucking win! NOW! I is Surly.
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