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Everything posted by BurgleBro

  1. Going to wretch until my stomach bleeds if that shit happens
  2. So help me fucking GOD if OU finds a way to make the conf game
  3. They'd be doing okay had they taken the damn FG earlier
  4. Anyone else's OCD get annoyed by the crooked ass fox broadcast score graphic in the middle of the lower screen
  5. The 3rd guy is in? No wonder
  6. Saban will win this conference again Lol they missed
  7. He looked good bc our coach game planned really well to do what MM does. Then the other coach adjusted. It's really that simple
  8. This is one of the best college Saturdays of all time
  9. He still hasn't had a truly experienced QB so this isn't a bad thing
  10. Good teams find a way to win fucking GAMES
  11. I can't stop thinking about how that extra 3 would be gold
  12. Unreal turn of events The non call against worthy changed the game but we have to get used to the fact that we need to overcome that shit.
  13. We had 3 or 4 lucky bounces first half it's coming to roost. Tie game let's take over again and play like we did earlier and we got this
  14. Maliik should have 5 TO total by now
  15. Are we sure Malik has a rocket for an arm Jesus
  16. False start city
  17. KState realizing we can be passed on Time for Sarks offense to step the fuck up lol let's go horns
  18. our weekly Laffy taffy INT LOLOLOLOLOL
  19. Mistakes we expect from Sark but we winning. QB looks rattled. This is where the coaches need to earn their paychecks bc KState is Def going to make adjustments
  21. All that work All that dominance 10 pt lead Fucking take the points you fucking moron Sark
  22. This miscommunication at home on offense is holding our team back from greatness.
  23. LOL KSU using Burt Auburn at QB
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