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Everything posted by BurgleBro

  1. Evan Peters is gold. As usual the best thing about watching was the ensuing memes
  2. I heard Corby on morning drive this morning lololol. I guess they know what their weakness is. Good thing he sells all those BMW ads lmfao Tuned in yesterday afternoon and heard Mike talking about how glorious baseball is and instantly switched the dial
  3. Kudos to her accent voice acting too. The accent never faltered. She and Jenna Ortega have a very long exciting future in horror movies.
  4. That closing credit scene She killed it lol
  5. Fucking hell can a team play aggie without doing stupid ass shit
  6. Aggie gets way with being so shitty with all the defensive talent
  7. You know something is broke when OU can't establish the run
  8. OU really does get so much B12 ref BS Jesus
  9. Ah yes The weekly Yankees baseball update during big 12 college football Saturday
  10. This game is going to last five hours
  11. We need a tall deep threat like this tcu kid
  12. Gabriel looks like a wet turd. Duggans run game will be there all day, TCU gotta stay sharp
  13. Long time lurker First time poster Yall are being drunk and stupid. Tech outplayed us. Pure and simple. 6 fucking 4th down conversions. Multiple missed TO opportunities. Sark may be the problem but this game doesn't prove that. We got outplayed. It happens. Let's move, grow, and wreck shit next game.
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