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Bevo in VA

Certifiably Surly
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About Bevo in VA

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  1. Looks like there was an update from Clark County and a lot of ballots weren't initially counted by the SOS. Good news for Dems.
  2. That's a great idea! Will be trying that out next year.
  3. DART is a total clusterfuck tonight. Got on at MLK and it took an hour and a half to go about 6 stops. Stopped at every station for 10 minutes while we waited for "train traffic up ahead". One point there was a medical emergency in the train ahead so more waiting. Got two stops away, stopped and waited and waited. Eventually they told us that we are free to get out and stretch our legs while the traffic ahead of us cleared. At that point we bailed and took a Lyft to make our connection to the TRE. As we passed by the fair park station there were tons of people waiting to get on but we couldn't take any more on. Those folks might be there til tomorrow. I guess DART didn't think there were going to be many riders leaving the fair tonight. Ok rant over!
  4. Obama is the most gifted speaker of our generation. Not sure who is even second but the gap is between 1 and 2 isn't close
  5. You're doing the math wrong. That line is predicting a 48-11 game.
  6. Does he shout GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL whenever you sink a putt?
  7. Great time! Thanks for putting these together. Food was great - I think my youngest had at least half a dozen fajitas.
  8. Where is the best/most convenient spot to get dropped off if taking Uber/Lyft?
  9. Of course. What do you expect when they pay them and bus them in!
  10. Fairfax county makes it pretty easy to just do it by mail. Once you apply to vote by mail once, you can just request for them to automatically send you a ballot for all elections going forward. They text you when they mail it to you, text you when it is received by the post office and then another text when they receive it and count it. Just got my text earlier today that it's on its way to me. I'll have it counted by the end of next week.
  11. Cokes and any flavor of gatorade will be a winner!
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