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Bevo in VA

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bevo in VA

  1. https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/west-virginia-gov-justice-state-will-use-covid-19-stimulus-funds-to-give-all-residents/article_3464b366-a6af-11eb-8cef-a3be246c97ac.html Great idea in my opinion. Good use of stimulus money. Hopefully it will pay off.
  2. We sent 2.5 million to Mexico and 1.5 million to Canada.
  3. Additional note to self; do not get into three-point shooting contest with Derka's mom either!
  4. I would add to this that if they are also masked up and at a limited capacity gym they're risks are even lower.
  5. I have no idea what you're talking about. You made a statement that "Usually what happens in universal healthcare is more people die waiting to get their procedures." Zepol called you out on it and you cited an article to presumably back up your initial statement that people are dying while waiting to get a procedure. The article you posted has absolutely nothing to do with that.
  6. That article doesn't say anything about people dying while waiting to get a procedure. It's talking about funding being cut from early education that teaches people how to live healthier lives which would in turn prevent things like heart disease.
  7. GOP Rep. Kinzinger to start new PAC to challenge party’s Trump supporters https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/31/gop-rep-kinzinger-start-new-pac-challenge-partys-trump-supporters/
  8. What a scumbag. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-extended-secret-service-protection-for-13-members-of-his-family-as-he-left-office/2021/01/20/31ef3e9e-5b3c-11eb-b8bd-ee36b1cd18bf_story.html Trump extended Secret Service protection for 14 members of his family as he left office
  9. Appreciate it!
  10. Hoping someone out there in Texarkana/Bowie County area can help me out. My dad is 81 with practically every known medical condition known to man but can't seem to find a shot. He says that he calls 4 or 5 places a day and they all tell him they don't have anything and that they can't schedule anything for him until they have supply. I'm not sure he has the ability to use the internet to hunt something down. Anyone that can give me a lead or ideas on how to hook him up I'd appreciate it.
  11. NY Times had a similar article but also included the following: While not ideal, I am assuming the guy is going to get re-assigned on Day 1 to some other important position like "Head of Janitorial Services." As to the question about whether this was normal civil service hiring practice, from what I have seen it looks like it was a posted opening where several candidates were interviewed for the opening. Although it has been reported that the other candidates scored higher on the interview, at that stage of the process, the hiring authority usually has discretion on the hire.
  12. That's just the number of ballots they sent out. One of the local GA election guys said the number actually returned isn't usually enough to significantly change the election. I couldn't find 2020 data, but in the 2016 presidential election, they were returned at a 69% rate. With Trumps recent history of calling soldiers losers and ignoring Russian bounties on troops, I can't image him gaining much in the batch returned.
  13. I believe that's what happened last time. The Washington Post had an article a while back saying no way Schumer would agree to any kind of power sharing agreement this time around.
  14. Damn - that's terrible. Prayers sent your way.
  15. Just saw this in the Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/25/health/Covid-moderna-vaccine-allergies.html?surface=home-discovery-vi-prg&fellback=false&req_id=322065185&algo=identity&variant=no-exp&imp_id=59681212&action=click&module=Science Technology&pgtype=Homepage Boston Doctor Reports Serious Allergic Reaction After Getting Moderna’s Covid Vaccine
  16. Trump 2021 - Visit our Grift shop on your way out!
  17. That blows. Cardinals had everything to play for, and just looked like they didn't give a shit. Started with 267. I'll be riding the Ravens next week.
  18. I went with the Bears after it started to look like the Jax starting RB wasn't going to be able to go. In my pool, picks closed before the Browns Covid news came out so we lost 7 from that game. Thirteen of us left going in the final week. @Vic Mackey - who did you end up going with?
  19. Your list looks a lot like what I have left too. I'm also saving the Ravens for next week against the Bengals - but like you, I have to wonder if I'm getting too smart for my own good by saving the pick. Just comes down to who you can pick if you don't have Balt available for that last week. That week 17 pick is tough in that you don't know which teams will be taking the week off for the playoffs or which teams are just mailing it in. In your case, I think all of the options you have this week are better than Cardinals/Rams. I was even looking at Washington vs Carolina this week and next week vs the Eagles. Washington has a good defense which should match up well with Carolina but if Alex Smith is out, then they're hot garbage.
  20. Hoping to get some feedback from any Texans followers out there. For this week, my best two options are either Chicago vs the Jags or the Texans vs. the Bengals. I'm leaning towards the Bears as they're still playing for a playoff shot and Trubinsky is looking pretty good these last couple of games. Jaguars are still the jaguars - been blown out the last couple of games. Now that they're in the lead for the no. 1 draft pic, it might be time to totally tank. I don't know much about the Texans of late. Saw a few of their games early in the season and they didn't seem too bad. They looked a lot better than their record but would still end up short on the scoreboard. I think Cin beating Pitt last night was a fluke with Pitt having 3 TOs. Every game I've seen Cinci play. they've been pretty awful - especially since Burrow went out. So what say the braintrust here?
  21. Hey I ain't just any rando - I'm a Tree Fiddy rando!
  22. Ah - got it. Was just wondering if anyone had signed up through the link above. They have appointments for weeks out. Just seems strange they are offering this to anyone.
  23. Was this through Methodist?
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